The bad decisions never end do they

I don’t think it has anything to do with what Blizzard or “the devs” did or didn’t do. There are people in just about all forums who are angry and they are going to rant. Bring up motherhood and they will be OUT-Raged by it and find a problem with whoever came up with the idea.

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Relax ladies, you’re both pretty.

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Well here are some based takes:

The PI issue isn’t really an issue at all.

Slime cat LFR would be nice, but not not strictly necessary.

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Im taking this survey right now and its insane. They are literally just gauging if I will buy some overpriced stuff that I probably won’t see most of the time anyway. The only thing you see most of the time is the weapon, but you are trying to sell me the skin? Ok.

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Well if i’m wrong then there was nothing to worry about, but apparently i’m right because you felt like it was directed at you which it was. Because you’re the only one who’s saying Blizzard doesn’t make actual bad decisions, just bad decision whiners think are bad.

I never stated that.

Once again.

Who is the “he” in your initial statement?

i just said it was directed at you… right there “which it was”. You are the he, or she, or whatever pronoun you like to use. I can’t tell your characters gender because all i see is armor.

This is how the forums have been since the start.

Welcome aboard, good to have ya.

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Thank you.

Because now it makes everything else you said well. Wrong. I don’t want to say it was a lie. because maybe you just instantly forgot what you stated and then wanted to be a victim.

So I will just fall back on what I originally said.

Grow up.

To be fair they have been making some stupid decisions lately

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Yeop. And Imma keep causing a ruckus over in the alpha forums about their shenanigans.

Still though, no further Tseric forum incidents have happened, since the long long ago. Or that one guy who cheated on his wife with someone from the forums/game.

Forum drama, lol. Such silliness.

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I know they nerfed Blade Flurry back to 40% from 60% in DF Alpha for outlaw lol ? Why they alway hating on outlaw

No, random email polls are not to be believed. Lots of people don’t use their regular email account for the game and hardly ever look at it.

Another source that can be easily dismissed.

Probably because noone wants to play Assassination or Sub anymore because they are typically much worse.
The classic “instead of making things better, we’ll make this option worse” approach.

I had to reread that a few times.

They’re doing this on purpose.

These are definitely not random. They are sent to customers. If 100k email surveys are sent out, and only 5000 come back, that’s a significant sample size.

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PI should be removed and priests given something else. Any effort to keep pushing PI into the game is just being stubborn and ignoring lots of negative feedback.

It is a significant sample SIZE but is it a sample that is representative of the entire community? Forms represent a BIG sample size but they are hardly an UNBIASED sample size. The same issue exists for people who take the time to respond to an email.

It is not at all clear that the people who take the time to respond to an email don’t have a bias one way or the other.