I wish I could dislike posts. Its another boohoo muh honor thread.
I hope we get the faction split so you can go hold hands with Manduin, Blaine Halfhorn and Sourfang. While we get to enjoy our current Faction without you all crying constantly.
I wish I could dislike posts. Its another boohoo muh honor thread.
I hope we get the faction split so you can go hold hands with Manduin, Blaine Halfhorn and Sourfang. While we get to enjoy our current Faction without you all crying constantly.
Actually I generally expect comic book writing from most MMOs.
Remember that they have to be written for the lowest common denominator.
She followed Vol’jins orders blame him not her.
I read this whole thing, and I totally agree with you, especially on:
I like to make up little backstories for my characters, and, the majority of the characters I play as would never take part in something like that. If I want to play an evil character, I would make like a Forsaken Warlock or something who revels in death and destruction. Like you said though, it’s required if you want to progress, or if you want to unlock pathfinder.
The war used to be bigger than the characters, the leaders stepped up to naturally fill a situation. Thrall for instance did this. Thrall didn’t need his people, his people needed him. Now our leaders need us because of their own personal goals. Both factions are guilty of this. Now the characters are creating the situations and all of the citizens and heroes (the players) have to step up to to fix the aftermath of our leaders drama.
Whoever they let take over the writing for this game they’re making it like a soap opera and I can’t stand it.
Did they hand over the writing of this game to some Art Major with pink hair and a lip ring?
They drop this big story bomb then we don’t get to finish the thought.