The Awful Horde Narrative

The whole story is garbage. There is this big giant sword sticking in Azeroth’s booty that everyone has forgot about-it’s not even an after thought at this point.

They keep saying wait for the whole story you don’t have all the pieces yet…it will all become clear. Ya it’s pretty freaking clear to me at this point…it’s like oh wait until 8.1.

You can sum the blizzard narrative up as "blah blah blah…look a pretty fox mount to buy…blah blah blah…oh buy the see you later bundle…blah blah blah…


We are not going to kill Sylvanas. This is a silly pipe dream for some and fretful dread for others, but the story is not in any way trending that way.

Yet another expansion dedicated to the Alliance.

What? Until now (IMO the BfA story-line is well and fairly split between thew two sides), the Alliance has not had an expansion centered on them since WOtLK. Cataclysm was the Green Messiah, MoP, all about us dealing with Garrosh and Varian me-too’ing, Draenor, all about us dealing with Garrosh & the Iron Horde, and Varian me-too’ing. Legion was “Married…With Children”, the Sylvanas & Genn spinoff.


When MoP forced the Horde to sack their own city, then it became an Alliance expansion. When Blizzard splits the Horde player base and leads us to believe that some sort or civil war is eminent, and the Alliance will once again have to play a part, then it is an Alliance expansion.

In Vanilla when the Horde starting areas weren’t finished because Blizzard spent too much time developing the Alliance areas, then maybe just maybe they were the focus. How about in WoD when the garrisons for the Alliance players were complete, but basic features for the Horde were still being doled out in the next patch cycle, such as snowing… in a snow biome.

Yeah, one expansion of Thrall being a pivotal character, and the Alliance crying was so bad Blizzard literally took his powers away as a “we’re sorry Alliance players this won’t happen again”, follow that up with the Horde losing three leaders, and now onto our fourth.


As I said elsewhere, Horde have aligned themselves, through crappy writing, with Sylvanas.

No ‘R’ at all.

I mean sheesh, Alliance is bland and we have our problems, but nothing like that.

I’m willing to overlook a lot when it comes to Blizzard’s “writing”. But there comes a point, and we are WELL past that point, where they either, one, need to attend a creative writing class, or two, hire professional writers.


This expansion is, was. and always will be crap. For various reasons:

1: Sylvanas fans are turning into the same sort of supporter that the-president-that-shall-not-be-named cultivated…and it’s disgusting me.
2: Raider IO was never issued a cease-and-desist order, turning this game into another elitist horsecrap pile…just in time for Classic.
3: As OP stated, our characters are involved in genocide, thereby turning us into World War 2 Germany.
4: Gameplay never seemed finished.
5: Several changes are included that are not put in the patch notes, because they don’t want to upset players.
6: Did I mention Sylvanas fans becoming the same kind of supporter as those who support he-who-shall-not-be-named?

I hope that the dev team learns their lesson from this, blows up this entire expansion, and goes back to making WoW like we’ve known it. Although given the fact Activision is taking over Blizzard, I don’t see it happening as long as the current executive board at Activision stays on the job.

Now, good day.


Annnnd you went political.

Not gonna flag you, but there is a Pacific-Ocean sized difference between genocide and losing an election.


Annnnd I now remember why I didn’t remove you from my ignore list on the old forums.

Too bad these forums don’t carry an ignore feature…


Perspective. You lack it.


Old Horde FTW!



That is the most absurd argument one can make, it was an entirely Horde-on-Horde story-line, we had an out-of-control fanatic leader to deal with. Varian me-too’ed at every step.

The Barrens expansion was particularly hilarious in this regard, the Darkspears has the camp at Razor Hill with the vendor and turn-in; the Alliance got a cloaked flight-point somewhere off in the middle of nowhere, and had to hoof it to the Darkspears to complete anything.

The Alliance shooting orcs treading water in the Jade Forest so some rando night elf could go sha-infested was cheap and tacked-on, just to give them a mirror to the Horde quest-line where it made much more sense to be bloodthirsty gits.

Every Alliance quest in MoP was an afterthought.


I enjoy the Sylvanas story progression and am a fervent, antifa-supporting, Democratic progressive. Let’s be careful with the broad brush-strokes there.


Lost almost a whole guild just over that, but it reminds me of a story of Lord Soth in Ravenloft where his crime is retold over and over again, but never accurately

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Here’s the rub we’re faced with.

It’s nasty for the Horde players, because they’re following around someone who, in my opinion, is worse than Garrosh.

It’s nasty for Alliance players, because they’re on the receiving end of the above, and never inflict wounds as severe as what they take.

Sure, there is that subset of Hordies who love Sylvanas unconditionally, and/or thrive on acting like monsters. But it is just that, a subset.

The thing is now, Sylvanas can’t be walked back without taking the game’s biggest dump on the Alliance. The Horde narrative can’t be pulled back without deposing another warchief, or at least, her facing severe and real consequence. No matter what happens, somebody is going to feel beat on by the story.

I could say I wish it had never gone this route, but that’s not a real place. At this point, I just want Sylvanas gone quickly by whatever means, and let the Horde get back to being what its players signed up for.


I’m the guy who expressed an opinion about a political matter in a thread, and you went absolutely bonkers because you apparently never learned how to interact with someone who holds an opposing point-of-view. Yes. Good times, that thread.

But really, that’s neither here nor there. I was simply pointing out that not all Sylvanas fans are MAGA-hatters.

It’s just a story, bro. I also cheered the Mountain when he squished that foppish dandy’s head like an overripe pumpkin in Game of Thrones. It’s ok.


Dude. You’re supporting terrorists.

In any case I’m not going too far into this madness.


Yeah, it isn’t absurd. Garrosh goes insane for… reasons, and then the Alliance come into Orgrimmar and start making threats and demands. How is that a Horde story?

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I’m sorry you see it that way, but there’s really nothing you’re going to do about someone who feels differently about a topic than you do. “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”, as they said in the Iran-Contra days.


Hey, I was not finished reading that when you deleted it… although I understand why you did… were on some thin ice there… but not entirely incorrect.

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I agree with OP, that post sums up how I feel quite nicely!


The ice is too thin, I’d rather just stop where I am before I regret it.

Sorry :confused:

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