The authentic ret experience

We should had 3.0 patch…


Class balance has already been changed and will continue to be changed in classic. TBCC had seals balanced across factions and seal twisting baked in, druids got the powershifting nerf revoked.

Already next phase of Wrath Classic we’re going to have increased ilvls of gear dropping from Ulduar, with hard mode gear being comparable to ICC 10- think about what that means for class balance given the disparity in scaling between them.


The changes they made were for sanity, not because any of those classes were bottom tier in the warcraft logs.

Seal twisting being added as essentially a class mechanic was done for sanity’s sake? And fixing powershifting? Surely completely kneecapping Retribution’s damage output for WotLK Classic for over half the game is as unintended a side-effect of the original changes as breaking powershifting was for 2.20.

It’s frustrating and disheartening to be bottom-tier dps during what is supposed to be our best (and really, only good) expansion, but that’s liveable. It’s that phase 2 is looking to be not just last, but trailing the median by as much as 25-30%. The median, not the high end. And the gap is only that high because of other changes they’re planning on making, though it was still looking ugly before.

However, since they’re in the process of making changes to gear and other content right now anyhow, I don’t see why it’s a problem to incorporate some simple solutions to help fix an unintended situation that’s being otherwise made worse.


Yeah rets are a meme spec they need a buff, no one will even take them to a raid and gets worse in phase 2

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Even if you DISREGARD pirate server data, just KNOWING the ret class from its previous performance during WoTLK and all the changes throughout the patches, you can already have a good GUESS that the damage would be pretty bad since the removal of SoB/SoM in 3.2.0.

But a search for “wrath dps tier list” for almost 12 months ago already shows ret at bottom with arms…

Seeing pepehands crying here because he “didn’t know” is Darwinism at its finest.


Feel free to let it go, Ret is fine. Changes won’t be made because you think your damage is bad.

Before you clowns link your 99 parses again, go find the 50% parses, that’s what the game is balanced around- The average player.

Sorry Ret isn’t mind blowingly awesome. Sorry an auto attacking Rogue can do more damage than you.

If your guild won’t take you into a raid, it’s time to find yourself a new guild. If you’re not happy with the damage output, and you’re pushing those 99’s, I would consider trying out another class.

The bottom line here is no one actually cares about a Ret Paladin, unless you are the Ret Paladin. When I see a Ret, I think of all the tools in their kit they won’t be using, and how much of a waste of space they are because of this. There are exceptions, but I haven’t found the exception on this forum yet.

The amount of crying being done by these Paladins is insane.

Yea, your damage is near bottom. It is still totally viable. The authentic experience was never 10K DPS by Unholy DK’s on Patchwerk. When you compare yourself to other classes that are min maxing the game with new knowledge, beyond the authentic Wrath experience, you see a difference.

Ret Paladins are so dumbed down there’s nothing min max. You’ll be okay.


It seems like your point across every single Ret thread that you’ve parroted 100 times at this point is something like: “Didn’t you watch one of the tier videos? You know exactly what things were going to be.”

Yeah, I did watch the tier videos. Every single one placed Ret in something like B tier, with Boomkins, Spriests, Ferals (if Omen procs were meh), MM, Combat, etc.).

Not a single tier list placed Ret in the “Garbage-Non-Viable” tier with the likes of Sub, BM, Frost Mage.

Go look at Warcraft Logs. Those are the classes that are closest to Ret DPS. And the way we scale, with the Ulduar Ilvl increase, it’s going to get worse. Just like Unholy is performing better than every tier list predicted, Ret is performing worse, and Blizzards change to Ulduar makes that even worse.

I just don’t understand why you hate rets so much, or maybe you are just ignorant about the problems.


Correct this is wotlk classic. Get over it.

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It’s hilarious that you say “No one cares about Ret Paladins” when Blizzard made a blue post (which literally never happens) about Ret Paladins.


And how they arent going to touch them, correct.

The correct reason the post was made, is a Ret Paladin incorrectly quoted them, misunderstood the statement, and was trying to use it as a reason to change a class. Blizzard was preparing to build a boat, grab 2 of every spec minus ret, and prepare to sail away with all the Ret tears flooding the forums on that thread.


honestly they shoulda just never anwsered the original ret post that blue post was a PR disaster.lmao

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It was 100% answered in a PR friendly way.

Brushed it off, reminded Paladins they have 3 specs, 2 are amazing, 1 is great, and moved on.

They were hoping you would do the same, but here we are.


HoW is a rather significant dps gain for ret paladins "sim 40dps"strap on a shield or put on a dress but don’t expect to do more than 10% more damage than your tank spec.

When’s the last time a Classic Spec recieved a 10% damage buff, or any buff for the argument at hand?

The current sims/evidence is that classic fury has received a considerable damage buff with the changes made to the Ulduar ilvls that wouldn’t have been available to them until ToGC.

If you were just trolling, then I’m sorry for wasting your internet bytes.


I just love the people who all went paladin expecting them to be OP because of how things were back in 2009.

To see them all mad rn is hilarious.


Seal twisting was never intended in the first place just like powershifting, but blizzard passed it off as not a bug anyways, so its pointless to talk about it.

Seal of the Martyr was added for the sake of faction balance more than anything else. This is far different than a hypothetical 10% damage buff that hasnt existed.


this is 100% a real illness. Its hilarious how ret paladins act.


That’s not a spec buff, thats keeping content relevant, and that change has nothing to do with class/spec balance.

Paladins keep bringing up this ilvl buff for Ulduar, cry that they dont scale well, and target Warriors. Stop trying to take Warriors with you in this sinking ship we call Ret Paladin.