Seriously, split this up by realms. I’m trying to buy leather on the auction house, and it’s just constant errors of “that item is no longer available.”
I’m sure there are people with addons that are setting the price and scalping the cheapest stuff up there, and of course I can’t pay more for a stackable item just so that it can go through.
Yeah it’s moving so fast it’s ridiculous they might need to break it up into smaller clusters if the population in the game is moving too fast.
That means someone bought it
When you try to buy a stack, twenty times, and that message is all you get, it’s a problem.
Just came here after trying to buy bags for an alt. No bags work. Everything says item not found. So I’m just gonna play another game until TWW is out of beta in about a month.
The AH addons ‘script’ multiple button pushes into a single button press. Folks are sitting at work with the AH loaded up and running them non-stop.
Well people are buying alot, you cant stop people from buying, im not sure if its even a problem , you just go to the next listing
Blizzard could add a popup though that makes angry Orc faces at them if they wanted.
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I’ll just insert myself into this reply
You can’t, would love to buy the more expensive stable priced mats. But when you have AH “bots” constantly and instantly buying anything posted below a threshold, it’s a little difficult.
You can thank blizzard for this mess now…combing all the AH in NA together was the dumbest thing to do …it killed the market for many realms…it also causes issue just like we are seeing now …lag lag lag…
Yea you can on the right side theres a list of all different prices with numbers of stacks for sale, you can also refresh to see t he current amounts
The API does not allow this. One post/cancel, one click/press/mousewheel.
The merged commodities AH was an excellent change. The pricing is extremely efficient, no one can monopolize a commodity, and low-pop realms have access to all commodities just like high-pop realms.
The fact that the UI can’t cope with the present high volume market is just an indication that Blizzard is doing its player QoL job very poorly.
I loaded one of these addons awhile back and it did like 100’s of reposts with a single button press.
Which addon was this? And, no, it didn’t post more than one per UI action.
You cannot willingly pay more than the minimum price for a stackable item.
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TSM. Like canceling/scanning, would not be possible without an addon to automate it.
You set a range in the addon, push a button, and voila 100’s of cancels/scans.
Multiply that by using non-reagent items and there are gold sellers cancel/scanning across multiple servers. Some of those folks were making high, 6 figure incomes selling wow gold.
for 30 mins I tried to buy the lowest priced item, and I couldn’t hit 2 buttons before it was gone. I am literally hitting the buttons in sub 1 sec, but it is listed and removed in less than that. I used literally correctly in this case.
I timed this for 30 minutes and in that time approximately 300 individual auction posts popped and dissipated, and I maybe got 25 (trying really hard here no joke). The low-price item I was trying to buy was the API listed seed auction which is bait for the non-observant to post their small stacks much much lower than they should then that same API is scripted to buy anything below that seed post.
Maybe this is the result of 1000’s of ppl trying to buy the same low auction post but as I was refreshing for the next seed etc… I watch the stacks of already posted higher auction items grow in number under the same price. The much higher price item just counted up. It was like watching gas pump roll up your costs as you pump fuel.
The API is bad for markets and creates false inflation. the total liability for all the items I was trying to get a few of was 350k gold total. So, if you have millions and nothing to do you can corner the market easily. Fine, you cornered a market. Now spread that over all the mats over all the servers and it’s an issue.
In the past the market would get cornered but then adjust through the week and reset to closer to normal. Now the fluctuation of a normal market is much smaller and far less desirable for the general community. Markets regulate when you tie costs to effort. It no longer has those ties.
There are 2 problems, both of Blizzard’s creation, and neither of them would be solved by what you’re suggesting. The train has sailed on per-realm AHs. With cross-realm trading, auctions will converge to a single server over time. So what are the problems:
All the botting and price flipping. There needs to be per-battle net account limits on listings per day. This cycle needs to be broken. It’s not the addons directly causing this but the addons make the botting easier to automate and
The constant churn makes buying impossible. You should be able to tell the AH, “I want to buy 100 leather at no more than 7g each” and Blizzard should be able to fill that order with whatever teh lowest is, so long as it’s below your limit price, without telling you “that’s no longer available”.
What would this look like? Choose a price point on the right from the available lots and enter a quantity. That money is deducted from you. In your mail arrives the items you bought plus any change depending on what the actual price was.
That’s just a diversion from the fact that after you set your ranges it autofills many of the fields needed to post an item manually.
I’ve always suspected a group of ‘sanctioned’ gold sellers, allowed to operate, there’s too much moola in it.