The artist that designed the new priest tier set left blizzard

Taliesin said something like ‘Blizzard should crawl though glass to keep people like this’, and I totally agree. Blizz management is just awful. If you have people making good product, PAY THEM. Got employees doing a good job and making you money, do whatever it takes to keep them. Squeezing every dime out of the company for upper management and shareholders is shortsighted, but it’s the stupid way big corporations work anymore. It’s not about the longterm good of the company, it’s all about the quick buck no matter the damage to the company.

If they squeeze out too much money and destroy the company they don’t care. They’ll just gut it, sell it for parts, and move on to the next company and do the same.



Found the overpaid CEO.


FTFY :smiley:


I’d argue its most job markets. On one hand companies see their workforce as replaceable tools and on the other said workforce has every information and tools for self-improvement they could ever want.

So yeah when your company is more worried about maximizing their margins than acknowledge your personal progression, you have to bounce.

Sent like 5 resumes yesterday cause my boss pushed my raise by 6 months. Its the world we live in.

Its not just a Blizzard or gaming industry thing.


Well, Riot’s owned by the Chinese. They’ve always been good at picking up leaks off a sinking ship lol


Do people honestly forget the purpose OF a business?


I just wanna who the artist in question and if he design it by himself or if he was one of many that worked in the sets

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Never said they’re wrong for doing so.

But people aren’t wrong for leaving if they feel undervalued either. Work is just business.


Nothing of value was lost

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Well yeah that’s an entirely different discussion.

That’s a problem that should solve itself through the market though.

Unless that person is exceptionally good at what they do they’ll quickly become unhirable if they’re unbearable to work with.


Her bio says she now works at riot games. A place that certainly pays her a lot more than blizzard.

You can check her other tweets to see other examples such as Alextrasza.

Added it to the initial post.


No one guaranteed these folks that they would never have to go to a brick and mortar office when hired!

Suck it up, or leave i say. As for what this person was responsible for, seriously, who cares?

Good riddance! Because Alex looks like crap tbth!!

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Some managed to negotiate work from home in their contract. Which was important when some of them were from out of state and just generally being better for ones personal life when you can live in a cheaper area and don’t have long commutes. And with how well dragonflight has been, and the faster content updates, are you really saying letting them continue as they have been for all of development a bad thing?

They literally are. They are getting hired in other places who very likely are going to pay them way more than blizzard is.

Anyone that actually cares about this game.

Well that settles that, you’re 12 years old.


No im am FARRRRRRRRRRR from a 12 year old, but do remember when this game had a soul!


How do you know? From her tweets and her replies, it sounds like she had a positive experience at Blizzard and left on a positive note.


Does Bobby get paid what he’s worth or is he a goblin hording sack of potatoes? Maybe if the big boys didn’t take such overpriced bonuses we could have better wages for all the guys who do the actual work.


It sucks they lost that talent.

Game art and game development in general pays less. It’s why I’m getting a software engineering degree instead of a game engineering degree.


It’s funny isn’t it. The devs who actually make the game can barely afford to live in the area, but this guy just gets to walk away with millions.


Did you miss Cata?

That was Alex as she should be.

Period, end of story. They have ZERO need for armor when in visage form! They are dragons fcs!


Best of luck! :dracthyr_heart:

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