The Arathi Tonal Disconnect

Reversed Garithos trauma.

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The Arathi we encounter identify as neither human nor elf. Therefore you have no argument when it comes to Lantresor. Can’t support what one party identifies as and refuse to support the other.


Arator is human now.

But they don’t consider themselves human and their culture is different than the humans. Humans don’t worship the sacred flame. The sacred flame is closer to blood elves sunwell than the humans philosophy of the light.

Humans don’t have an emperor, the blood elves mostly did so Arathi are more like blood elves than humans.

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Anasterian was a king but had a group of nobles counceling him

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That sounds just like an emperor to me.

There you Go.

Sounds like an empire to me.

Arathi are just elves then.

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Emperors generally wield more powers than your typical king does and they generally rule over, you know, an actual empire and not a kingdom.

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So sunstrider are emperors and an empire and just call it a kingdom because you know, aesthetics.

Arathi are blood elves then.

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Not really. Azshara for example had an actual empire. The blood elves have a kingdom. There is a MAJOR difference between the two that actually matters

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Not in warcraft. Arathi are blood elves.

Anasterian hold no absoloute power at any point. Absoloute monarchy came with Kael’thas. right now Quel’thalas has a regency.

So kal is the emperor and Arathi follow the likes of blood elves more. Arathi are blood elves.

Quel’thalas is not large enough to be an empire. We had three empires throughout the history of Azeroth.

  • the Kaldorei empire under Azshara
  • The Mogu Empire under Lei Shen
  • and the Empire of Zul under the coalition of all troll tribes

Well, four actually. You forgot the Pandaren empire that existed for a while, until each zone became it’s own self governing place.

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So Arathi are blood elves, got it.

Repeating a falsehood over and over isn’t going to make it true


No, it’s true Arathi are blood elves. We already concluded they’re closer to elves than humans.

No. You made that conclusion. No one else.

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