The application has encountered a critical error!

I keep getting this error since 8.1 was released, I took a screen shot but have no idea how to upload it, but this is what it says.

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR#138 (0x8510008a) Fatal exception!

Program: D:\Blizzard\World of Warcraft_retail_\Wow.exe
ProcessID: 2468

The instruction at “0x0000000000000000” referenced memory at “0x0000000000000000”.
The memory could not be “executed”.

Press OK to terminate the application.

that’s what it says, but it happens so friggen often I keep having to reconnect, happens everywhere in Uldir, Great Seal, Dalaran, Ogrimmar anywhere it happens sometimes ill re log for it to happen again!

Please Help!!! ive never had this problem before till the most recent patch!

First can you post the complete error There is a errors folder inside the game folder.

If for some reason you can not post the complete error post it on and just post the last part of the link see below

just post the last section of the link see the highlight section below .

ttps:// /y47kBy74

That’s literally the complete error, I wrote it exactly how it is, word for word.

edit: how do I upload the pic to paste bin thingy?, I screen shot it if you don’t believe me that’s what it says. just also tried re logging back in and got the error again instantly…

Inside a folder called errors inside your game folder there is a compete text version of the error. The error file name should be something like this 2018-12-14 10.41.33 Crash - 4504.txt

The path should be something like this \World of Warcraft_retail_\errors

theirs like 30 errors possibly more going back to 12/12/18, want me to post them all?

Well I tried posting them but apparently says cannot post links.
and I was doing it through your paste bin thingy, want me to copy and paste them to the thread?

just the last 2 would be great. Just post them and pastbin and post the last part of the link

ok these forums starting to annoy me, cause im copying and pasting the error, but apparently somewhere in the WHOLE THING, their is a link or something so it wont let me post it.

literally tell me cannot post cause of a link. “sorry, you cannot include links in your post”. Im literally just copying and pasting what you told me to do, so the pastbin doesn’t work as its a link and now copying the error doesn’t work cause its apparently a link.

so what do I do now …

Post it on

see this example just this part mvguBtrK not any of the rest



those are the final two, but like I said I have 30+ of these errors starting from 12/12/18, they all have different number errors thingys.

ill be awaiting your reply, because I literally cannot do anything as I can disconnect… hopefully theirs a solution to this problem that has never happened to me before in 14 years of playing WoW.

Just looked it up errors, literally began with the direct x 12 update. Nvidia has the update on the 12/12/18… the day the errors began.

Have not seen a lot of 138 errors so lets start here

Ive done all that, even reinstalled WoW, which took friggen forever!!!

only addons I have are DBM and Pawn and Immerse, which I reinstalled aswell

checked my graphics drivers aswell., like I said this problem hasn’t happened till you guys did the 8.1 update, Nvidia brought the drivers out on the 12/12/18 the first time the error happened.

Lets go ahead and start her lots of thing to try . Have you done a selective startup?

literally only thing running is WoW, nothing running in the background I don’t even have an anti virus. this is literally a gaming computer, it doesn’t even have word or anything…

the only thing is the Blizzard launcher, but if I close that I cant play wow.

In all honesty have seen very few 138 errors. Going through all the notes I have on what has fixed the issue in the past .
Your error is showing some non windows DLL’s loading so selective startup could very well help.

Also lets go ahead and run your GPU’s in Debug mode see if that helps. Open Nvidia control panel click help check debug mode and test

and how do I do that, sorry I have no idea about this debug mode. how do I test that? sorry im very very computer illiterate, you need to talk to me like explaining to a 10 year old…

all I know is press computer on… Bnet auto loads I click play wow.

How to start debug mode

Open NVidia control panel
At the very top is a tab labeled help open that tab
click on debug mode
load game

so then I just play wow with it clicked in? until an error happens? cause the errors are frequent but might not happen till tomorrow, or when im in a raid or anything

Hoping that fixes it. Debug mode returns you GPU’s to stock clocks.

well ill try for now, if another error pops up ill just repost…

Happening again,


that’s the pastebin thingy, just happened now…

debug mode obviously did nothing.

had to post on new character wouldn’t let me post!!, this error is getting a little ridiculous.

Happened another time,


this is obviously a problem you arnt aware how to fix, is their a technical support staff (Someone employed by Blizzard), not a MVP. Is their someone I can speak too or call?

Im paying monthly to play a game that just keeps disconnecting me… id rather fix this problem as soon as possible because I know im not going to be reimbursed for my time lost.