The AoE Cap dilemma

Mobs already shouldn’t matter. They are the mobs of the dungeon, not a boss. Unless one gets bolstered to all hell then it matters lol.

If mobs don’t matter why bother having them?

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So, I can feel like a God destroying them.

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Except he’s not doing a poor job. You not liking the way the game is going doesn’t mean what you think it does.

Someone shouldn’t lose their job because the game isn’t being custom tailored towards your playstyle/tastes.

But, were paying customers, and I feel like as a paying customer Ion has done a terrible job as lead game deaigner.

And I feel as a paying customer he’s doing a good job.

Being a paying customer doesn’t mean what you think it does.

What does being a paying customer mean then.

It simply means you are someone who makes a purchase or in this case is a subscriber of a product. It does not mean you get to decide who should or shouldn’t work for the company, it doesn’t mean you get to make demands and the company has to agree with you.

Im making suggestions. Also theres a reason why only people with a subscription can talk on these forums.

A long time ago, companies who ignored, spat on, and bashed their paying customers went bankrupt and lost everything.

Customer service is a dying thing.

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Since you can’t figure out what he left unwritten: “If my grievances over the direction of wow content over the last decade are shared by a large amount of the player-base, the people responsible for the poor content should be phased out while testing out new developers.”

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That’s not a dilemma.

This is not the place for your sensible feedback, sir. You can either freak out with the rest of GD or remain silent!

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