Dude, I’m really unsure what’s going on with you, but we literally have a chat history of what I’ve posted, and my account isn’t hidden. I have not stated that at all.
I have no idea why you’re making weird posts as replies to mine claiming that I’m stating something that I am not stating, but it’s weird man.
Are you OK?
Here’s what my post is, and my statement (to save people from scrolling up or to refresh your memory):
I take a less cynical view on this subject, although I am pretty cynical in general. I don’t think they like the potential downsides of fracturing of player groups in the queue system. I think they fear that players will become frustrated with wait times.
On a personal side note I quit Overwatch quite a while ago because they tightened up the match making at higher ranks and if you queued as dps you could easily spend more time in a queue than you did playing the game. I think that is why they have historically been reluctant to separate the queues.
Exactly people who defend premades don’t care about pvp.
They care about a fast rep grind. Everyone knows it yet still they will defend it because some people just enjoy grinding other players (premades will literally hold onto the flag and just graveyard farm in some instances). There’s no changing the mind of these kind of people unfortunately…
At some point it’s just a matter of total available players especially at off peak hours and especially when they start adding more bg’s to further splinter the player groups.
edit: Again, I would love it if they made premades fight premades I just don’t think they are going to and I also don’t think it’s fair to suggest weird conspiracy-esque theories about devs wanting to stomp pugs.
Sure but they don’t have to make it a hard premade vs premade, just prioritizing premade vs premade before matching them with pugs would help a lot. I don’t think a 5-10 minute wait before a premade gets an easy win vs a pug team is unreasonable.
Bro, I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at with your attitude, but I’m not playing dumb. I’m enjoying myself. I’ve put a heck of a lot of time into caring about people having issues with premades as pugs, and I 100% do not buy it.
I’ve queued a lot as a pug, and documented it. Feel free to watch my videos about it, or check my posts with screenshots. I’m not claiming that my own personal experience is anything short of me being an extremely lucky outlier who has such amazing luck, consistently that I’m maybe in the 0.001% of people playing the game that doesn’t only queue as a pug into premade after premade, so don’t get me wrong.
However, the game is fun as it is. If you’re not having fun, and you want to complain and attempt to make fun of people on the forums who are having fun, go ahead. That’s on you, though. I’m having fun, and enjoying the game as it is.
Players need to just get it out of their heads that blizzard will ever split the queues. Also even if they made it a max 5 premade you will still end up fighting against them with a full pug while queuing solo. Plus to add to this they would just time queue ups like they did in the past. Players will always look to have an advantage.
The only resolution would be to make pvp solo queue only and blizzard will never allow that option as they want players to play with friends and/or to make friends.
If the occasional group still manages to premade under a 5 man system then who cares. There will also be decked 5 man groups that still stomp teams as well. Thats also fine.
The point is it will be way harder to premade and there will therefore be a lot less teams doing it.
If I vs a premade once every 5 games or so that’s fine I don’t care. But at the moment it literally feels like 2 of every 3 games are against a premade, that’s just way too high.
Anything blizz can do to reduce that a bit would greatly improve the casual bg experience and if people actually cared about the longevity of the game they would support that too.
Why do people support premades? The same reason people camp the DMF buff, some people enjoy griefing others and if the game will allow it they will do it.
That won’t happen because why would people choose a queue which pretty much guarantees you will be vsing a better/more coordinated team.
People only premade now because it gives them an advantage, take that away and say goodbye to the premades.
5 man is the only compromise because you still allow people an advantage it’s just 50% of what it used to be and the game is still playable for the other team.
Cool, you don’t get to set the bar for everyone else. You haven’t even made a good argument as far as I can see, or any argument. Just that everyone else is a crybaby if they don’t like pretending to enjoy auto-losing to 99% of the premades they face.
You should keep repeating how much fun you are having, because it’s fun to have fun, though!
Another easy solution is to add Rated BGs without the rating. Since Classic is now on the Retail infrastructure, add a queue for “Rated” 10v10 games. Rewards are double or triple rep and honor instead of rating.
Ideally you would have a system that matches singles with 5s or something like that.
But even if they didn’t do that I still think the number of overall premades would greatly reduce as the majority probably won’t mess around with addons that don’t have a 100% working rate, so it would still be a net win imo.