šŸŸ The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread

Bumping while fishin for the fishies!


Yeah they really should have kept the attack as Quillboar. Everything would have made so much more sense.

Horde attacks on the zone were fine with the war campaign.

Horde didnā€™t need more atrocities.

Exactly. Blizzard leaves themselves with plenty of characters but no development for them. They need more world building.

I think itā€™s just blizzard being weird with the Alliance and itā€™s human obsession.

Also earlier maps weā€™ve seen didnā€™t include much of the map in the past.

World looks donā€™t mean much.

Along with many other races.

Though I donā€™t think those races show up in Dazarā€™alor

Hope to see Jinyu someday.



How am I just discovering this thread? My full support to Jinyu/Ankoan for the Alliance, solid playable race choice.


It went quiet for awhile.

Very good race that deserves to be playable.


Iā€™ll try and pump up the volume in a little bit.

As we get closer to the April reveal, Iā€™ll make a few medium-effort speculation posts talking about the likelihood and possibilities of ankoan/jinyu popping up in 10.0. I will then be revisiting that speculation post-announcement to incorporate information that has been revealed.


yes please, we must have our samurai fishies nowz!


Iā€™ll keep an eye out for anything of interest to report as well. Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll see the Ankoan and Kelfin again in the near future. Preferably with both becoming playable races for their respective factions.

28 days until the next expansion is announced! :shark: :dolphin:


Yeah, the thing that annoys me though is that those were maps.
On Argus youā€™re seeing the actual planet. Thereā€™s not really enough room in the space between the eastern kingdoms (east of) and kalimdor (west of) for a large amount of land. Stuff like the broken shore size, sure.

But they can always just change it. Having fun is more important than a texture.

I just find it interesting how the southern most lands are all very equatorial, so having a massive continent to the south works well. It could be larger than any of the current land masses as well, as long as itā€™s not bigger than the original Kalimdorā€¦as thereā€™s two past references, one saying it was the only, and another saying it was the largest continent.

Fun takes precedence of course.

Also still wondering if anyone knows more about this partā€¦

I donā€™t think that storyline ever got added in the game. I recall some previous discussions in here about it and not finding a followup to it. Likely has to do with us leaving Nazjatar suddenly and BfAā€™s ending getting rushed. A shame really, since I really find it frustrating that we left the Ankoan and Kelfin suddenly without much word to them.

Maybe weā€™ll learn more if we run into the Ankoan again sometime. And hopefully, we will. As I said before, Azshara is still out there somewhere, and I think the Ankoan joining the Alliance and the Unshackled joining the Horde just makes a lot of sense in the grand scheme of things. They both get a home and protection from Azshara and the Horde/Alliance get aquatic members that can help boost the defenses of Orgrimmar/Stormwind, along with being valuable members on ship voyagers and underwater missions.

Also with today being my birthday, Iā€™m sure you can imagine what will be part of my birthday wish! :smiley:

23 days until the next expansion is announced! :shark: :dolphin:


Blizzard doesnā€™t have the foresight to design a world with all the continents they might use later.

So Iā€™d take that with a grain of salt.

Azeroth will have as much room as it needs to.

Probably because that expansion obviously had its tail end cut offā€¦ a trend for Blizzard at this point.

Iā€™d like to learn more of em.

I thought they might show up in the new hearthstone expansion but nothing Iā€™ve seen so far for em.

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Yeah, of course. I like the idea of a massive continent in the southern hemisphere.

I bet thatā€™ll be where the japanese based tanooki race will be in the expansion after this upcoming one. Since that one will be a redo of the asian themed anthro race expansion :stuck_out_tongue: Probably introduce blademasters then too

I dunno if they can use tanookiā€™s for a race. The real world dethta might try to sue them for that if history is correct (itā€™s the same organization that tried to sue Nintendo on Mario bros 3 for the tanooki power-up)

Live out your shape of water fantasies in the world of warcraft! Pass.

Wha? Why would some group try to sue nintendo for using an animal as a game character?

I keep cracking jokes since it seems weā€™re just on round two of the same expansion themes.
TBC/Legion, Wrath/Shadowlands, Cataclysm, Dragonflight, MoP/Asianthemed anthrorace warrior expansion :stuck_out_tongue:

If weā€™re going that route, give me a naga siren :stuck_out_tongue:

I do wanna play a naga.


They used the excuse that Mario is using the skin of a rare species or something like that. They tried to pin that it encourages poaching.

It was dumb but I can see companies trying to avoid that in the future.

If weā€™re talking about the company that the in-game dehta group is based of, that doesnā€™t surprise me, theyā€™re a bunch of idiots, and thatā€™s putting it nicely.

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Yup them.


Makes sense. shakes head

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Also we donā€™t need a Japanese continent, the ankoan is already basically samariā€™s