🐟 The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread

Azshara is still out there, and it is likely we’ll have to deal with her again at some point. Assuming she becomes an antagonist, whether it’s a smaller role or as the main antagonist of an expansion, I feel like it would be key to Ankoan and Kelfin becoming playable races for their respective factions. I don’t really know if she would appear next expansion, but it still is something to consider when we do run into her again.

Generally speaking, I am hoping we see races people have requested for awhile. I don’t know if next expansion, we’d see any of that. Assuming Blizzard’s claim of planning two expansions ahead of the current one is true, and considering that a lot of the playable race megathreads and movements started during BfA, it could be the expansion after next before we see if any race gets considered for playable status.

Still, given that Blizzard has looked at requests and changes for the game in general, we could be lucky to see some new races next expansion. I’ll keep an open mind and try to temper expectations, but I’ll also keep some hope of course.

Honestly, I’m excited to just get out of Shadowlands. Whatever happens with the next expansion, however, I will still continue to support playable Ankoan/Jinyu. :shark: :dolphin:

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Not necessarily. We know of two major changes that happened rather quickly, actually. Blizzard has stated that Bwonsamdi initially had no role in Shadowlands and Denathrius was going to get dumpstered at the end of his raid. These were changed very quickly due to player feedback.

Also, it’s highly likely that the vulpera were not initially meant to be playable, and were only made so at the end of BFA due to the overwhelmingly positive player response when alpha/beta was released. You can tell the initial vulpera models were not meant to be put into players’ hands, and only gradually gained more quality-of-life features over time to the point where they finally matched the quality we would expect from a playable race.

To confirm this, load up Captain Eudora’s (boss in Freehold) model in WoWhead. Play around with her animations. Notice how stiff and low-res her face looks. Also notice that vulpera-exclusive animations (like their death and sleep) never carried over to Eudora; she just uses the goblin versions of those animations.

All this is to say that it is possible for changes to be made relatively quickly as long as there is demand for it. If a new allied race wasn’t intended to have a huge story role in 10.0, it’s probable that won’t change, but that also doesn’t mean they can’t have a small story role and also be present in a playable capacity.


I would really like more side/B plots. Stuff that’s not even necessarily related to the main plot of an expansion, just world building type stuff. Things like this would be great to better flesh out allied races and their recruitment. I loved the little recruitment quests but they’re often too short. Give us a more expansive storyline. With all that’s happened in the world, you’d think bringing in new recruits would be a smart idea. All of the groups should be looking to replenish troops and such.

I hope so, I quite liked the old god stuff, and N’zoth could easily still be around.

Something else I’m wondering with the talk of the Ankoan.
Here in Nazjatar at their encampment, you can ask Blademaster Okani “tell me about the waveblade ankoan”
He just replies saying their story is one of sadness and better saved for later after you and your companions have recovered from your own loss.

Does he EVER answer the question with their background?

I really would like to see Naga included as playable as well. I really don’t care what faction.
Ankoan and Jinyu should already be a thing as well.

There’s so many I’d really like to see added in. Been playing a lot of Valheim lately and man do I wish I could be a Vrykul. I enjoy the whole viking background thing. Scale up and tweak the kultiran models, give us some awesome beards and tattoos and such
it’d be great.


As a fellow Monk and Mists of Pandaria lover, I would be so happy to see an Ankoan or Jinyu race being added. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Those voices while the Ankoan is dying I was expecting, “Someone
didn’t replace
the roll.”

It’s under Vol’dun. Supposedly we only saw a very small bit of it.

Just an Azol’nerub thing again.

I don’t know if she’d be needed but if she is I can see that being a good reason for the Ankoan and the Kelfin to join.

Honestly the Kelfin being in Durotar throws me
 It feels like they were meant to be an AR.

My hope is they have a list of races they’ve seen requested and have been working ideas and concepts to get them in but waiting til they set the story of the expansion to decide to add them.

This! We all need to do this.

Blizzard is more than likely to dissapoint at least a little bit.

We as players dream and expect a lot and there is only so much they can do.

This I would love to see.

Blizzard has focused too much. They need to go back to fleshing out the world and characters across the board.

A big sign that this is needed is what happened to the Horde leadership.

It was hard to figure a true and good leader for the Horde races after their leader died.

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The Kelfin are just a duplicate of Goblins and Vulpera. We have enough short races. Especially with the same/similar armature and animations. If there are going to be any more races added to the game, it should be something else.

Saberon would be a cool addition. That could be the Horde version of Worgen.

I respect your viewpoint.

Still want em.

Though I will say basically everything will end up reusing a skeleton and model design anyways. I don’t see that as big consideration compared with lore.

They’re separate races with their own cultures and in theory racials.

I think they deserve to be at least considered.


I don’t really see the number of races being a particular size being a factor in whether a race should or shouldn’t become playable. By the logic, we wouldn’t need more medium sized races since the majority of the races are that size. It doesn’t really make sense to me to bar any races being playable because of size specifically.

Despite being Goblins, I see Kelfin being unique enough to become playable and see be their own race. The customization option would be pretty amazing in the right hands, and being an aquatic race would be really unique of a feature to still be refreshing to see. Especially if paired with Ankoan/Jinyu.

Just my own personal opinion, of course.

BfA continues to maintain the theme of missed opportunities. It really feels like them being on that beach should lead to something, and hopefully it will lead to them being playable.

I think Kelfin and Ankoan being the last pair of allied races would’ve helped a lot in topping off the expansion. It really felt like it was getting rushed, and while Death Knights for allied races and Pandaren were good to see, it seemed like something that should’ve been there as opposed to being treated as an early access pre-order bonus thing.

That would be wonderful to see. Especially if we see a big batch of them during the next expansion, though that is a bit of wishful thinking. At the very least, I hope there is some consideration for playable races in the future based on the various megathreads and such.

That said, I don’t want to get too into the idea since we don’t know what the next expansion is going to be about. Still, I’ll keep a bit of hope as the game goes on.

Also, 36 days until the next expansion is announced! :shark: :dolphin:

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Yeah I kinda held out hope that there would have been two more on that list of races

Kelfin were one of them, and while Ankoan were not my first pick they would have easily made the most sense and I’d have enjoyed them all the same.

All of this.

I’m hopeful but trying to temper my expectations.

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I really wish we’d have gotten the whole Azjol’Nerub as a zone thing that they’d have liked to have done.

I also think the southern hemisphere of Azeroth would be a cool place to take some of the story. You could add quite a bit of land in that area.

Can we work some playable Naga into that mix as well :smiley:

I’ve seen others kinda saying similar about the story lines. The various zone storylines work out great, but tying them all together and creating this overarching one it gets kinda meh.

Saves a tremendous amount of dev time since most of the animations are already done. Tweaking existing ones is also quicker than making all new.


There is also the rumored back side of azeroth too we could explore. No one had ever explored the forbidding sea and came back.


I loved the Ankoans! It was a real missed opportunity by blizzard. Fingers crossed they bring them to the allied race table!


Please give me Jinyu


Sounds like a good place to put more continents for future expansions. Not to mention sections of the ocean for Azshara to reside in and the Kelfin and Ankoan to help us explore them!

35 days until the next expansion’s announcement! :shark: :dolphin:


All of this would be swell.

They’ve been considered before I don’t see why not.

Though you’ll find it easy to convince me to add more races
 Its kinda one of my things.

Yeah, theres nothing wrong with an overarching storyline for linked zones of course, but they need to put more focus on building the world. Players aren’t going to care half as much about the main cast if 1) they’re not involved in our leveling, 2) they’re always doing the things in the lore and we’re not immensely involved and 3) if the things they do never end up pertaining to our races or classes in a positive light.

Also when they do kill off a major character or have one leave the Horde because they mean nothing, then they NEED to have a well established character to take their place. They’ve lost most of that. There are few candidates to really take the place of a person like Thrall or Vol’jin
 or Sylvanas. Which is why it feels so half hearted when those leaders took their places at the end of BfA.

The Alliance has the same issue. Who would take over if we lost Anduin and Turalyon? What if Moira dies? Her son is really young. Is there an advisor we know who would take over?

If they take out Malfurion and Tyrande who takes their places? Shandris would likely take Tyrande’s place but who would lead the Night Elves druids?

Clear lines of succession and knowing WHO they are is a needed aspect of the world of warcraft.

And thats just one aspect of world building thats been suffering.

This is supposed to be a world of warcraft. Recently its been a singular story of four to 6 characters with a supporting cast that switches out regularly.

For which I do applaud them.

Yeah theres enough vague lore there to let them play with that as well as going either West from Kalimdor or East from the Eastern Kingdoms.

Fully agree.

Absolutely would if I could. :stuck_out_tongue:

^ ^ ^


We’ve been shown it in-game and nothing is there, but that’s something they could always change if they wanted. It’d just make the view of Azeroth from Argus really weird since that’s supposed to be the actual planet rather than some map-style projection. Wouldn’t be the first time though.

I think it’s neat how all of the southern areas of the continents feel very equatorial.

If land was added down there, I also feel like it’d make more sence to have some on the “back side” to further balance out things.

Yep, I’m all for it as well. Don’t really understand the people that whine against it.
Even if I see one I don’t think I’d play, I’m still all for having it added.

Also don’t just randomly force stuff in like with Stormsong. The horde invasion felt off, and then you find out early on it was all Quillboar
which makes much more sense.

Yep, plus there’s been so many characters introduced and then abandoned. Lots of potential with ones introduced back in WoD and such, but they fell by the wayside.


I have a theory the jinyu left the alliance after what happened with the jade statue.

I don’t have any evidence besides the absence of these races in future content while the monkey men are still shown to be with the horde.

Then again the horde have ogres and a band of amani trolls allied with them and we never seen them.

I looked at it yeah, but you can only look at the north hemisphere from argus and there is enough cloud coverage to make it vague. Do not forget that at the time of leagion, Azeroth is still covered by titan magic to “protect” it from legion’s detection. Who knows if that magic is also can be said to cover up hidden lands much like how Uldum was covered from detection until cata.


Jinyu shows up in boralus as Vendors and some npcs for alliance.