šŸŸ The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread


Now is the time for requests as blizzard is much more willing to consider such things it seems.

Couldnā€™t have said this better.

Also Iā€™d probably be much more angry and incoherent.

I think if they have to go together, best case is to have them able to talk to a npc to switch racials and maybe voice and such.

Iā€™ve been thinking about this for a few days and I think Iā€™ve decided Iā€™d make my ā€œmainā€ ankoan/Jinyu a Jinyu.

I really like the Jinyu and their waterspeakers. So I think Iā€™d have a shaman.

That said Iā€™d definitely have an Ankoan, probably a hunter, causeā€¦ I canā€™t help myself.

:shark: :fish:

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Would there be much difference between Ankoan and Jinyu when it comes to racials?

If there were differences with them being customization races for the other, I would imagine it would only be a slight change. Iā€™d like for people to play an Ankoan or Jinyu because that is what they want as opposed to trying to maximize DPS or something.

Of course, Ankoan and Jinyu should have their own identities if both are playable. Iā€™m sure there would be ways to do that and have it add a lot to the game. :shark: :fish:

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Eh in the Jinyu/Ankoan case I think minor changes would be all that would be needed.

Like changing the name of a racial.

The heritage armor and tabards though might be differentā€¦

Could have the Jinyu and Ankoan unite and then not have to worry about some of that.

Plus voice lines may be different?

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An alliance race request thread thats not high elves, refreshing.

Itā€™s always nice to see new races be requested especially if they break up the slightly bland motiff of the Alliance.

Jinyu/Ankoan would be an amazing addition to the players of the Alliance.

Just imagine seeing them in Stormwind. Could imagine them hanging out in the dock area and over where the lake is next to the Pandaren.

Theyā€™d fit in so well yet be so different.

:shark: :fish:


omg wtf :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: how many of these threads are there?!?!?!?!?!??!?!11111

Allied race threads?


Customization threads are also numerous.

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The alliance was based off that bland motiff.

People are just wanting horde themes on alliance, its hard to see it any other way.


Harder to see that as real for me.

Naga were supposedly being considered for the Alliance in vanilla and as of TBC and Cata humanish only races is a thing of the past just like only bestial rough races are for the Horde.

Itā€™s more about ideals for both sides at this point than looks.

I think Alliance players just want something different rather than necessarily ā€œHorde themes on the Allianceā€.

Thatā€™s just my feel though.

Ankoan /Jinyu would certainly help while still being a very Alliance race.


Yes. Give us fish ppl nowz blizz


Out of curiosity; if the Jinyu, who already joined the Alliance, arenā€™t Alliance like enough what races do you propose for the Alliance to seek?

Jinyu technically joined the alliance, arent they still allied?

I think a jinyu like race is coming for alliance because for 2 expansions they got jinyu esque allies.

I was just saying in general that a seemingly vocal minority are wanting beast races on alliance when they traditionally have always been horde.

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Youā€™d have to stretch your definition of ā€œbeast raceā€ pretty far for this to be true. When I think of ā€œbeast race,ā€ I think of races with physiologies that are clearly derived from existing real-world animals. By that description, the one and only beast race the Horde can claim from vanilla is the tauren. But even then, furbolg association with the night elves, pandaren neutrality, the invention of druidism by the night elves, and the subsequent worgen curse have consistently made beast races a ā€œboth factionsā€ type of deal.

And besides, considering the Horde is filled to the brim with undead humans and aristocratic elves, I hardly think the Horde is in a position to claim the Alliance is the one stealing a unique aesthetic here.


I should use the term monster races.

Alliance always had the fiercely humanoid,esque races with the worgan being the token exception, can probably extend this to dreanei as well.

Where the hordes exceptions are elves.

And believe me, I never forget who the most played races are.

Far as we know they joined back in the early part of Pandaria and then ended up engaging the Hordeā€™s Hozen, boom loss of statueā€¦ not much after. That whole line seems to just drop after that.

So Iā€™d guess theyā€™re still alliedā€¦ just we havenā€™t done anything with them.

The Hozen showed up with some of their members present in Dazarā€™alor as Horde soldiers (portal room area) so I can only surmise that the Jinyu also remain with the Alliance.

Blizzard doesnā€™t really show us continuing to interact with our allies like they have with the Horde though.

Horde has had Ogres, Taunka, Hozen and Kelfin show up still working with them in some capacity. Alliance hasnā€™t really had the same thing happen. Frostborn, Jinyu and Ankoan just kinda donā€™t do anything.

Oh I get that, I was just curious what races you would expect to see that werenā€™t like that?

Iā€™m a big fan of these guys. :smiley:

I suspect some have noticed. :honey_pot: :bear:

Aesthetics long ago dropped off I agree.

Its more about ideals at this point I think.

I would definitely extend that given the context that on Azeroth, before the Draenei came to it, Eredar were literal demons as far as anyone knew.


Iā€™ve noticed that also, and itā€™s a shame that doesnā€™t really happen with the Alliance. Itā€™s possible there could be an instance of that happening, but I donā€™t recall seeing anything like that throughout several expansions.

I havenā€™t seen Ankoan at least in the Stormwind waters, unless there is another Alliance location theyā€™re underwater in. Seems a bit odd to see Kelfin on the shores of Durotar (who are still waiting there and really could use an invitation to the Horde side of that character creation screen) but not see Ankoan anywhere. We did leave without saying much to them, and I figured they would at least be interested in keeping in touch since Azshara is still out there somewhere.

I do think one of the best ways to reintroduce Jinyu and Ankoan would be to gather them up for something they can help with, such as a return of Azshara or something underwater, which would result in both being playable and something you can switch between. I assume Ankoan and Jinyu would get along well, and if the Ankoan population is still low, then it might work also as a storyline to introduce each other.

Then you could choose whether your character is either an Ankoan or Jinyu, complete with their own customization options and such. Seems like itā€™d be the best so Jinyu and Ankoan fans can make their character how they want to. :shark: :dolphin:

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New expansion is being announced on April 19th!

Not sure what we should expect but Iā€™m hopeful for the first time since the end of BfA.

Heres hoping we see many ARā€™s and customization in the new expansion!


Based on what we know, itā€™s almost certainly going to be dragon-themed. Iā€™m not entirely certain new ARs are on the horizon, but if they do go that route, it might be interesting to theorize how they might relate to the storyline.

I have a feeling weā€™re not quite done with Old God stuff. Wrathion is back, Azshara and Xalā€™atath are in the wind, and we have a quote from Danuser in an interview that heavily implies Nā€™zoth may have been aware of his potential ā€œdefeat.ā€

If we donā€™t straight-up get playable dragons, then Jinyu/Ankoa would make for logical allies as we take the fight to corrupted dragons.


I hope its another find new allies so they can add several of the races people are still hoping for.


Agreed. There are tons of races that could feasibly be drawn into the story based on their nomadic nature and/or history with Old God stuff.

For Horde, seems like a darn fine excuse to finally include ogres. Could also see sethrak come into play to some extent (they talk about having an empire, but where is it? Has to be somewhere on Azeroth. Co-exist with the denizens of the dragon isles maybe?)