šŸŸ The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread

Iā€™d like to see playable Naga, and either make them a zone somewhere or just a copy of Nazjatar but flooded back and made into a little city zone.
Although if they were alliance affiliated like the Nazā€™dorei concept, an underwater village in some shallows somewhere would be cool closer to Eluneā€™s light, maybe near Teldrassil if they are planning to remake it.

Would even be cool options for Ankoan/Jinyu as well.
Iā€™d like to see all playable options.


Live fish dont really smell.

Its only when they die.

If you stuff them with cinnamon and myrrh like the Egyptians did, it isnā€™t so bad.

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What about living fish on land?

Then they donā€™t smell either. Fish smell like whatever body of water they come out of, and besides that they might have a faint, mucousy-like smell.

The fish smell comes when theyā€™ve died and some fats in their body begin to convert.

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I was thinking that would be the case but I wasnā€™t certain enough to say it.

Fish dont really secrete a whole bunch of stuff like mammals. Rather, they coat their skin in a film of mucous with multiple antipathenogenic compounds. It sticks to their scales far better than the oil that land animals use.

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You look different. Kinda like an undead night elf actually. This is welcome change.

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I support Ankoan/Jinyu, one of the most interesting races that the alliance could get. I constantly use the Ankoan toy disguise on my alliance. I hope they join one day.


An amazingly well put together thread and a shame that it hasnā€™t seen the light for awhile.

Iā€™d love to see the Jinyu (and the Ankoan) join the Alliance as a playable race, especially since they already did back in MoP.

I came up with a few racials for them for fun the other day Iā€™ll share em here.

Racial: Gilly - You can breathe underwater and swim 60% faster.
Racial: Wavespeaker - You conjure a wave to strike out in front of you in a short cone pushing targets in its path back.
Racial: Gillspeaker - Your fishing is increased by 5, you fish faster, with a net and collect twice the fish as others.
Racial: Fishilation - You are minorly resistant to frost damage.


I also got ideas on if they can be a druidā€¦

Cat form: A creature similar to a Snapdragon but with its features based off of koi or catfish.
Bear form: Kinda based off the Zandalari look, but with a giant turtle youā€™d find in Pandaria.
Travel ground: Water Skipper. (Like the mount that used to walk on water.)
Travel Air: Base it off the Wind Serpents but, like the cat form, include Koi or Catfish features.
Moonkin: Use the same concepts as with Ztrolls with the Arakkoa model but make it a koi or cat fish!

For Ankoan add some angler fish traits to these forms. :smiley:



Happy to see this thread pop up again! A lot of work and passion went into this megathread that deserves to be seen. Especially since Blizzard has been considering a lot of player requests.

I still very much support Ankoan/Jinyu as a playable Alliance race. I feel like they would add some much needed variety to the Alliance and would be capable of having some interesting customization options.

Iā€™m hoping the Alliance havenā€™t forgotten the Jinyu or Ankoan, though it is a shame we kinda left the Ankoan without much fanfare after BfA. Seeing as Azshara is still out there and likely up to no good, it would likely be a good idea for the Ankoan to ally with the Alliance and set up camp in the Stormwind harbor.

Hope we see them on the Alliance side of that character creation screen someday! :fish:


I used an Ankoan illusion toy to take a screenshot in front of the Stormwind embassy, which is generally something I do with various NPC races and their respective factions people think they should join (or both factions if they could join both). The result is here:

Itā€™s a shame that both Ankoan and the Kelfin were left suddenly without much fanfare after were were done in Nazjatar. Honestly, it seemed like a good combo to add in as the final allied race pair for for BfA.

Of course, Queen Azshara is still out there and likely up to no good, so there could be a reason for us to run into the Ankoan and Kelfin again in the future. It is a bit odd to see the Kelfin on the shores of Durotar, but the Ankoan donā€™t have another area theyā€™re hanging out at near Stormwind or other Alliance settlements to my knowledge.

At any rate, there is plenty of room in that embassy for an Ankoan/Jinyu banner, and I hope we see more of them in the future. Preferably on the Alliance side of that character creation, of course! :shark:


I am still annoyed by that.

Its the Ogres and the Forest Trolls and the Wildhammer and the Taunka and the Frostborn and the Jinyu and the Hozen all over again.

Another good race that joined (more or less) the faction and was left behind.

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I feel like BfA was really rushed towards the end, since it seemed like we just moved quickly through things. I do have to wonder if Ankoan and Kelfin were considered at one point towards the end. It just seems so odd how we just up and left Nazjatar without saying anything to them and quickly forgot about the area in general.

I was very happy to see Vulpera and MechaGnomes as allied races, but it felt like there shouldā€™ve been at least one more pair to top off the expansion. The allied race and Pandaren DK thing was needed, but it didnā€™t really feel right as the thing to end off the expansion. Moreso since it also became timelocked like the original DK starting area, making me wonder how future playable race DKā€™s will come into being. At the very least, DKā€™s should be an option for them.

Though as I said, there is a chance to run into the Ankoan and Kelfin again. Itā€™s likely weā€™ll run into Azshara again, and Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be happy to return the favor and help us against her. :shark:

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Apparently, they believe they solved Wildhammer with some tattoosā€¦that I laughed at because the way I have my Dwarf you canā€™t see the tattoos.


Wow, this thread is almost three years old. I feel like Iā€™ve grown so much in the time sinceā€¦.

Nah, Iā€™ve just gotten old and tired.


Old Godā€™s havenā€™t we all.

Itā€™s a good thread though and youā€™ve done really good work.

Itā€™s a shame we havenā€™t seen either the Jinyu or the Ankoan become playable yet.



Time really flies, doesnā€™t it? Seems like we were still in the middle of BfA with all the allied race speculation and support going on.

Still, we havenā€™t forgotten this megathread. With Blizzard possibly open to looking at player requests again, I think itā€™s good to jump start this megathread and keep others active for a bit. You never know if it could lead to something!

Not to mention that given most race request megathreads are Horde related, some Alliance race request megathreads should get supported to go with potential new playable Horde races. There is a lot of good work and passion that went into making this megathread as well, and I want to continue to have that work be shown and appreciated.

Weā€™ll see where the future leads us as it comes, but I want to support playable Ankoan/Jinyu along the way!

Iā€™ve not been too happy with how customization races in general have been treated. Wildhammers deserve better than to have Bronzebeards cosplaying as them. Especially since the Wildhammers were important to the Alliance since the old RTS days and there is a statue of one of their members at the entrance to Stormwind. Then there are Sand Trolls suddenly in the Horde without any explanation, which is really confusing for a variety of reasons.

Hopefully if either Jinyu or Ankoan become playable and the other becomes a customization for them, that theyā€™ll still have a presence in the storyline and still be able to be their own race and identity. :shark:


I support both Ankoan and Jinyu being playable, but I was curious which one people might lean more towards and what characters theyā€™d make.

I think I lean more towards the Ankoan, myself. They seem to have more interesting designs compared to the Jinyu, even including various types of armor and weapons. Ankoan seem to have more to gain being part of the Alliance with their storyline, seeing as their home wonā€™t be safe since Queen Azshara is still out there and could come back at any moment. I could see a unity of the Ankoan clans coming together and likely joining the Alliance to ensure safety, likely taking up residence in the Stormwind harbor.

Jinyu definitely can come back into the story at any point and time, especially since they technically are part of the Alliance, though I feel like Ankoan have more to gain joining up. Ideally, we could see both become playable with different customization options for if you wanted to make a Jinyu or Ankoan.

As for my character, Iā€™d imagine an Ankoan Frost Mage would be my choice if it were possible. I feel like it is fitting to them to have a water elemental and be able to fling ice spells at enemies. Granted, it could be challenging to use frost magic underwater since they could easily become a big block of ice by accidentally freezing the body of water theyā€™re in.

As I said, I support both, though I feel like Ankoan are a bit more interesting. Still hope both would be playable, though! :shark: :fish:

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Jinyu. A little more neautral looking which lets me do the customizing.
Same reason Iā€™d never play Mecha Gnome over Gnome.

Being a Jinyu Furry Warrior would be the ultimate class fantasy IMO.