🐟 The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread

I hope in Shadowlands they have races for previous expansions like Jinyu/Hozen, Ankoans/Giblins, as well as Sethrak/Tortollans for example… but they seem to be doing it only for current expansions… who knows how allied races will even work in the Shadowlands

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Blizzard needs to bring in the races that people want to see. Focusing on “relevant” races from the current expansion is just depressing.

They need to finish what they started, add the races we’re still missing from the Horde and Alliance and then add in the remaining ones from bfa. Then they should consider new stuff.


I agree, hopefully they actually listen to these allied race/race forms…


I have to agree with making races already part of the Horde and Alliance, whether it’s as a customization race or their own race slot. There are plenty of races that just appear a few times as NPC’s, and then fade off into obscurity and get forgotten. Making each member playable fleshes each faction out, offers great storyline potentials, and makes it feel like the Horde and Alliance are slowly growing and evolving. There are also several races people want that would add some much needed flavor to the character creation screen, and more choices are always good for the players.

Brand new races to Warcraft in general can work, but it really depends what they create and how they’re implemented. In my opinion, no race should ever be put in as a “compromise” for another race people want.

In terms of the Ankoan, it seems odd how we came and went from Nazjatar without much word from the Ankoan. Not even a farewell of sorts that I remember. Azshara is still out and about, likely to become another potential threat, so I don’t see why the Ankoan wouldn’t reach out to the Alliance. They would have a lot to offer as an underwater race, and there are plenty of areas in the waters around Stormwind for them and Jinyu to reside and act as underwater defence.

Hopefully, we’ll hear from the Ankoan again soon. It would be great to see them meet up with the Jinyu as well.


Exactly! The Kelfin similarly for the Horde.

Imagine the enemy attacking your dock and the Ankoan board them before they can even get close.

Plus there is a lot of dead space in the waters around SW that Blizz could really spruce up with Ankoan and Jinyu stuff.


I agree, plenty of spots they could make underwater zones… I just feel like in general Nazjtar felt like an afterthought story wise almost? I hope we go back to it sometime and get playable ankoans through it

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BfA in general seemed to flow smoothly for awhile. Then came Nazjatar and Mechagon, which was followed randomly by two older zones and the big bad. BfA felt like it started with a bang, only to end on a damp squib, and it really feels disjointed.

I’d be curious to see what plans were considered and what would’ve happened if the expansion wasn’t rushed. I’m hoping the Ankoan don’t fall into obscurity and just disappear without any word or mention. Not to mention that meeting up with the Jinyu could provide a solution to their race’s low numbers.


Agreed… I wish it weren’t as rushed, it’s hard to explain what even went wrong as it got so messy. I really hope it doesn’t fall into obscurity, in general I hope they connect parts of Azeroth more instead of just throwing them away. Jinyu and Ankoans would go great together, I mainly just want them playable as it’d be very fun to go around as a fish person


I forgot to comment on something.

Seeing as we got some allied races showing up randomly in BfA, it’s always possible any race could be added at any time for any reason. While we’re in the Shadowlands, stuff would still be happening on Azeroth with all the undead going crazy rampant across the lands.

Of course, a lot depends on where the story takes us in Shadowlands…which I admit, I’m not especially excited to see where it will go.


Alright, but what if we got them on horde?

That would be a hard sell for either Jinyu or Ankoan but… Then I guess they’d be Horde.

Jinyu already joined the Alliance and Ankoan sided with Alliance in Nazjtar so they’d be Alliance… though given how all Alliance races seem to be humanish maybe? I hope they’d just be Alliance though

Speaking on behalf of the Horde, I think we’d be happy for the Alliance to take ALL the fish-men.

I’d love to see jinyu added as a race.

Side note: if the Gungans were replaced with jinyu and the dialogue improved, Star Wars episode 1 would’ve been 10x better (as the story wasn’t terrible, it just didn’t stay focused)

Do not speak for me.

I would appreciate the Fish-men among our ranks.

That said it seems like they should be Alliance.

But the smell!

Fish-men are the least of the Hordes “smell” problems.

Have you smelled the Forsaken? We aren’t the freshest of factions

I’m still holding my placeholder Ankoan name in the event we get them. I want my Ankoan outlaw rogue, or Samurai ninja pirate fishman.

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Eeeyyy. You took that weird helmet off. Nice to see your face.

I can’t decide on a good name for any Ankoan I might save a name for…