🐟 The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread

I see you’re a man of great taste


My main for years was a Pandaren shaman, might even go back in shadowlands. I love a little asian flair in my european fantasy.


Both Nazjatar races need to become playable. And having Jinyu be customization options for Ankoan just makes complete sense.


There’s a Jinyu with the Ankoan. Their recruitment scenario might have them meeting up with the Pearlfin, fending off a Naga invasion and going;

Then they join with the Alliance.

In terms of appearance, female Jinyu are larger than males and have access to all sorts of jewelry options along with fin customizations, fins in the place of hair, barbels, etc.

Male Jinyu/Ankoan get access to some vivid body coloration like darters along with wilder fins and barbel facial hair.

Racial Abilities:
Languages: Common, Nerglish, Pandaren
Aquatic: Waterbreathing and 100% increased swim speed underwater
Wavedancing: Chance for autoattacks to strike twice
Water’s Blessing: Chance to summon an elemental to aide you in combat
Tidehunter’s Mark: Root and dot

Classes: Warrior, Death Knight, Hunter, Shaman, Rogue, Monk, Priest and Mage


I’m still very interested in playable Jinyu/Ankoan. They’re likely my most wanted playable Alliance races. I’m hoping they don’t abandon the Ankoan, whose storyline seems to have abrupted ended and forgotten about once we raided Azshara’s place. It would also be great to see the Jinyu back in the story, tying into the whole Jinyu/Ankoan customization options.

I’d likely create a Jinyu and an Ankoan if both were customization options. I know I’d go Frost Mage for one of them. :fish:


/signed, I’ve wanted Jinyu on our team since MoP. I would reroll monk so fast!


Honestly it’ll fit better than diaper gnomes.

Turn bottoms into a loincloth- bare feet like with trolls. bam. Helms don’t have to be perfect either.

Hoping you guys get your desires still! I’m sure we can re-visit these areas, and they’re basically part of the Alliance now anyway.


Throwing my support back in again for Ankoan/Jinyu.


Also throwing in my support for playable Jinyu/Ankoan again. They are one of my most wanted playable Alliance races, and I’d love to see them officially join the Alliance and become playable as opposed to being abandoned and forgotten. :fish:


Ankoan/Jinyu would be a great addition.
I’d like the new race selection screen to resemble the Heroes of the Storm character selection
crap ton of options =P


Jinyu are my most wanted race at the moment so great post!! :smiley:


Jinyu are literally part of the Alliance just can’t be them

God PLEASE Blizzard. Why did we have to get Mechagnomes instead of Fish Bois :frowning:


Cause mechagnomes were cool.

Still nothing stopping blizz from adding them next.


Mechagnomes were a given because of the way allied races were setup. However, even if it wasn’t for that, ankoan fans would have the competiting AR request of Sethrak to deal with.

Yes, most allied races share a model with another race. But to further this, Jinyu/Ankoan are both a night elf skeleton without the ears.

They took the least played race in the game and made it so armor was broken on it. I’m sure they have a niche audience, but I certainly wouldn’t say they were requested over Ankoan.

They took the least played race in the game and made it so armor was broken on it. I’m sure they have a niche audience, but I certainly wouldn’t say they were requested over Ankoan.

Are you saying blizzard should only listen to the most popular requests? Be careful what you ask for because Ankoan is a fairly unpopular request compared to many other allied race requests. Its been a year and this thread has only around 340 responses as of now.

As I said before. Them being included is no surprise because of how the system is set up. Gnome fans have also been requesting more gnome related content for quite some time and more relevancy. And to be honest after all the incessant hatred towards mechagnomes, I am happy they are included. Because many of the people requesting other allied races have been downright toxic to gnome/mechagnome fans.

Ah found a thread for the fish people! I love them and would love more diversity in species mainly would like reptilians and aquatic races (Ankoan and Sethrak mainly.) They already basically joined us in Pandaria and again in Nazjtar so I see no reason to not make them playable
 then again maybe I’m wrong

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I never said any of that, you are taking what I said and extrapolating it to the extreme. I have a 120 Mechagnome, I think they’re funny so I made one. It just seemed like an odd choice to add to the game.

Undead players have been complaining since the launch of the game that their bones mess up the armor. It seemed like a weird decision to me to take that issue and make it 1000x worse. If people love Mechagnomes, great.