🐟 The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread

I kind of want the Saberon, too… >.>

But how many races are too many at this point?

Majority of plot points are tied up in an expansion.

So far we’ve dealt with the Zandalari and Kul-Tirans issues. The Vulpera and Mechagnomes problems and the Dark Irons(who were already a part since Cata) and the Mag’har(who got along well in WoD).

Uldum is pretty self-contained and finished with N’zoth getting blammoed by the Forge.

That leaves only two areas that didn’t get any closure.

  1. Nazjatar and the Ankoan, everything is dropped there after Azshara is slain in the raid. What gives?

  2. The Rajani are now leaderless since their leader got mulched by us for Uungent caress.

Those are two perfect lead ins for the next AR.


Oh and I forgot. There’s a ton of Ankoan burial shrines scattered about. Bladesmaster Okani has a dialogue hook left unfinished.

The Mogu’s spirit binding and usage of anima denies it from the Shadowlands.

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Never too many.


Same. I need playable Jinyu/Ankoan in my life!


Seems I mistook the dialogue. There’s broadcast text in Shadowlands: " * Go, my naga! Welcome the mighty Tidehunter to Azeroth!"

That’s an odd inclusion. So while we don’t have them summoning the Jailer. Azshara slithered away after the raid, so we still have her to deal with. She did say she was out to “claim the true throne of power”.


You have my support!


I would 100% support Ankoan as a playable race for alliance.

  • They have interesting lore.
  • They have solid ties to the alliance.
  • They’d be the first non-mammalian race.
  • You could do all kinds of interesting patterns and colors to their skin that would allow for really deep customization and individualism.

Just a really solid, really doable choice.


Azshara will inevitably come back in some fashion, more than likely as an antagonist. When she does, that would be a great time to get both the Unshackled and the Ankoan/Jinyu back into the story and become playable races.

Their story sort of went flat at the end of Nazjatar, so I hope to see it continue in the future for both Unshackled and Ankoan/Jinyu.


please don’t give alliance another lackluster race oh god

Oh, well you’ve come to the right place. The Jinyu/Ankoan are going to be amazing when they join up.


Bumping to show my support for fish people. The Alliance has had them join twice now and we really deserve something unique.


Seriously. The Jinyu and the Ankoan should be with us now.

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give me samurai fish

please blizz, if your not adding thunder snake or big ogre, at least give me samurai fish


I think you mean Danger Lightning Noodle.

Yes please!


I still support em Blizz. Give the Alliance their fish boys, if I could play an Ankoan Shaman, I would play little else.


There’s just a lot of unique races that should be made playable. I mean look at Sethrak, Arakkoa, Ogres, Ethereals, Nagas, and now Ankoan/Jinyu…

I hope they get added in the future…


I could definitely see Sethrak, Ogres, Naga, and Ankoan/Jinyu

Arrakkoa is a maybe(given AU Draenor seems to be finished), and Ethereals would be Neutral.

Naga would need some development before they become an AR though.

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I would play a Jinyu even if they were alliance, being a japanese fighting fish sounds super satisfying.


I want to be an Ankoan so bad, they have a tribal shaman flair that the Alliance doesn’t really have.