šŸŸ The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread

They were? where? Iā€™d love to go take a lookā€¦ mmm Iā€™ll check stormwind docks I suppose for Ankoan.


Here is the links. If someone has trust level 3 and can display these Iā€™d appreciate it. You can find them at bladefist bay just hanging out. I donā€™t know their purpose at this time.




Oooo very interesting!

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Iā€™ve also been told, but I havenā€™t confirmed myself that Neri shows up at the peace treaty. Now I have to be honest though. I think if they were somewhere near Stormwind, someone would have noticed and posted here by now, but maybe its possible they just havenā€™t been spotted yet. Please post here if anyone finds any new ankoan npc anywhere.

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When I click on them, they just have their default npc lines. However I am not sure if this confirms them as an allied race. One has to remember there is no 8.3.5 and they could end up being like taunka, stonemaul ogres or wildhammer which are apart of a faction, but not playable. However thatā€™s good enough for me honestly. Because if they get lore and the appearance in game then it is relatively close to being an allied race anyway.

Thereā€™s no 8.3.5 in terms of an epilogue to BFAā€™s story. 8.3 is intended to be the definitive conclusion in that regard. That doesnā€™t mean we wonā€™t get any more patches between now and Shadowlandsā€™ release. The pre-expansion event, the Scourge invasions, has already been detailed at Blizzcon, and it would be impossible to implement it without there being some sort of intermediate patch. There is still plenty of time and more than enough room for another allied race to be added. They seem to be pretty safe business decisions anyway, judging by how successful the Vulpera are just at first glance.

I havenā€™t noticed anything based on some flying around (and under) Stormwindā€™s ships in the harbor, but Iā€™ll keep an eye out when continue my searchā€¦ eventually. My character is currently hard DCā€™ing every time I logged in just because I dared to fly too close to the Kulā€™tiran ship :angry:


I donā€™t think fish will be popular. Itā€™s a little weird, especially since weā€™re always on land. Alliance needs sethrak, naga, murlocs, and vrykul.

Both of these races are fish.


Good to know we donā€™t just have these folk in the sethrak threadā€¦

Perhaps if you think this way you should go talk in the threads for sethrak, Naga, murlocs, and vrykul?

Naga and murloc are not fish. Naga are more like serpents while murloc are just amphibians. But the point is that both have a coolness factor that ankoan/jinyu donā€™t, starting with just their names. Ankoan/jinyu just look like humans with fish heads.

Ankoan/Jinyu are literally made from murlocs.


If thatā€™s your opinion, thatā€™s 100% ok. But as an argument you should understand that ā€œcoolness factorā€ is also extremely subjective.

Fish people are the perfect allies we need to split off from the alliance.

night elves
fish people

make it happen.

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I have to be honest about something though. It seems kind of sad that all of a sudden when the horde an alliance show up the kelfin and waveblade are suddenly enemies. It just seems sad given the circumstances. They would otherwise have every reason to work together with each other.


Iā€™ve scoured Stormwind, havenā€™t seen any sign of them so far.

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Iā€™ve been checking a number of areas around stormwind. No sign of them either. The equivalent of Durotar for the alliance is Elywinn forest I believe. However I have to check the swamp of sorrows and other areas near the shore. Theyā€™d likely be somewhere near water if they are around.

Theyā€™re probably wondering where Azshara went.

Yea. I feel like if there was Ankoan somewhere outside of Nazjatar that were added in patch 8.3, someone would have spotted this by now. I havenā€™t even heard of this happening with Sethrak.

seems odd that they would add in the Gilblins but not the Ankoan thoughā€¦ weird.