🐟 The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread

I’d love for these and the Unshackled being the next Pair of Allied Races.
Both are so cool.


Good to see people still wanting Ankoan/Jinyu to be playable. I still would love to see them as a playable Alliance race, myself! :tropical_fish:

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Yes, Make it Happen!

At First I thought Jinyu was good up until the Ankoan came into BFA and honestly I want them more than Jinyu.

I hope Ankoan becomes playable. Also Merry Christmas Folks.

Ankoan and Jinyu please!

Make. It. Happen.

One of my ankoan followers has an amazing weapon enchant (illusion). Seriously need that in the game before the race!

No one wants Gilblins but a handful of people. Horde isn’t going to get another short race using the exact same skeleton/rig as the previous horde allied race (vulpera).

Horrible idea. Entirely different races.

They don’t have shaman.

What is interesting about those guys is that they apparently originate from Murlocs. Now here is what I wonder. If Ankoan originate from Murlocs, where do Murlocs originate from? These are the kind of questions I would like to see answered with potential future lore on this race.

I hope Ankoan becomes playable. Also Merry Christmas Folks.

Likewise! :christmas_tree: :slight_smile:

I don’t personally get the appeal of WoW’s aquatic themed races, but more power to y’all

Ankoan can speak Murglish. Meaning the Murlocs will gain dialogue.

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Hopefully 8.3 shows us something ankoan related and if not after 8.3 hopefully they get the last allied race slot alliance side considering there is room on the allied race race selection in character creation.

You know, using the carved ankoan charm reveals the Ankoan have synced mouths to alot of animations.

No new dialogue for Okani in this patch :frowning:

I fully support this

This whole thing seems fishy… hic!

I want to first say I mean this is the politest way possible, but I think now may be a good time to start suggesting Ankoan be a skin for night elfs. I am aware that blizzard is planning on adding some custom options for races that include anatomy changes. It is possible for them to do this. What I would also aim to do is suggest Jinyu join the alliance and aid them similar to how the wildhammer help the alliance even if they aren’t playable. If this happens then, this could at least allow you guys to experience the race with lore even though not to the same extent as if it was an allied race.

I personally wanna see jinyu for alliance and mogu for horde

Someone should check Okani’s dialogue after killing N’zoth. Between all of the custom voice-lines recorded for the Ankoan(including poke. Suck it Sethrak), the obvious banners they could smack in an embassy. Equal importance with Erazmin. The story hook with us releasing Azshara. Okani giving you dialogue left deliberately unfilled and referential to the future.

All they need to become playable is some unique animations, a slightly more refined body, a fully-animated head and armor support. Which given their nelf skeleton modification is easy

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Anyone else find it strange how these all have unique models and details on them?

Have you guys seen any signs of Ankoan near capital cities in 8.3? I ask this because Neri, Vim and Poen were spotted around the Durotar shores.