I think the only lesson learned is that WoW players, as a collective, have reading comprehension issues.
Like what?
Choosing to share their feedback as to how removing game time options affects them?
Damn, that’s some fine reading comprehension you have there.
The majority of the complaints when this thing dropped were from people who believed it affected their subscriptions. Many still do.
Care to explain why?
Or is this another case of iT oNlY efFecTs SuBss
Nike: Valued customers, our Air Jordan Flight 45 shoes have gone up to $125 rather than $100. We know that this change may reflect badly, regrettably, our sweat shop workers in Indonesia have demanded 15 cents an hour rather than their customary 12 cents an hour. We appreciate your business.
OP: Thank You Nike, your communication means the world to us.
That is because of poor prose by whoever wrote this announcement.
WoW has three different ways:
Subscription which translates into giving you Game Time.
Game Time which is literally Game Time.
Tokens which translates into either Battle. NET balance to purchase Game Time or actual Game Time with the token.
Perhaps it’s the company which should think twice about doing better public announcements. I understood it was game time right away but it’s poor writing if you do not accomodate proper explanation in public service announcements.
Arenas were dropped by MLG back in the day because it was an unviable esport.
Yet they’ve continued to shove it down our throats, with arenas being the “true end game” for PvP, despite it having non-stop issues since their inception, to the acknowledgement of Pardo himself.
Like wPvP, BGs, RBGS, literally any other form of PvP? Screw yourself.
That’s also being heavily reflected right now with the mass of complaints in general about PvP.
Blizzard does not listen to anybody but themselves at this point, and now we’re at this point.
I won’t disagree. I initially believed it was bigger than it was as well, because I only read the Wowhead headline. But then I looked into it and, really, how many people does this change actually affect?
They got rid of the options because they weren’t very popular to begin with.
You cannot pay subs with b-net cash is a legitimate concern. Some people saved it for the longer time for that discount.
Wrong. They got rid of the options because people were able to get out of paying them far too easily.
I know far too many people personally who preferred to pay game time over sub because they wanted to have the freedom to choose when they played the game without having to remember to cancel their sub.
Look up the basics of a subscription and the difference between how a subscription makes a game money versus the obvious choice of a one time payment.
For some, honest to Bob, people do move on all the time. Some don’t want to be shoehorned into a certain style of game.
Some get sick.
Some have their financial situations change.
So much that has zero to do with the game, but that doesn’t fit your it’s all them narrative right?
You get that you saying “ThIs iS oN BliZZ!” is beyond silly right? You want them to account for every variable? How does one change the metric to Billy thinks this is more fun when 100000k others love it?
No it’s not silly. Not when you go from like 10m+ subs in WoD to a laughable number.
You know why that happened? It’s not because the majority were “Oh no whatever shall we do we’re bored of the game”.
It happened because of Blizzard’s own failings and decisions. There were a slew of dumb decisions they made which killed their own game and they haven’t recovered.
Why do you think the High and Mighty Blizzard went from regular chest thumping sub declaration to “Oh hi we think subs aren’t the right form of success anymore. It’s player engagement”.
Open your eyes. Some people have certainly quit over the reasons you stated. The mass majority quit due to Blizzard’s decisions.
lol, sure. Whatever.
The outrage was primarily people worrying about their subscriptions. Go read the main thread.
I have more posts than you in the main thread. I was there arguing against white knights who said game time isn’t that great it’s good they made this decision just sub and cancel it.
You may want to read that thread closely. It has a mixture of people being outraged over subs incorrectly and people getting outraged over game time.
This proves you haven’t even read that thread and are assuming stuff.
Oh you have to go that far back to find a mass exodus? Plenty came back, they stopped releasing number and all you really have is supposition.
Do tell me, did you freak about the superdata info too that showed the people leaving right now is normal?
Again where do the life happens I grew out of it people fit into your narrative?
I get it, I see your posts everyday, but working in absolutes like you do tells me a lot about you. When you can’t be bothered to factor in those who don’t have to leave a quit post. or talk to people in game about why they are leaving, I just can’t take you seriously.
Oh golly gee I don’t know. What makes a company go from “Hey noobs look at us, we’re successful! See factual numbers LOL” to “Oh hey our player engagement metrics say we are growing”?
Maybe you need think to think out of the box
I didn’t freak out about the superdata because the damage is already done. The fact that Blizzard went from a lion among normals to basically being a wimp when it came to subscriber numbers even today shows that we are indeed losing people.
I’m least bothered whether you take me seriously or not. Hope you understand that.
You took the data that an external company said was normal even less than previous expansion and make up your own “findings” no matter what the again external company that has zero to do with Blizzard tells you.
Yet here you are and I am, and all the other malcontents in here are still playing, and what we are just 2 percent.
You want to be mad, be mad, but stop talking in absolutes, not nearly everyone cancelling has as much of a hate on.
Even with subbing then canceling, it’s still a change literally not a soul asked for. Like why?
I didn’t take the data and do anything with it. Like I said, I cared less about it since the only thing I care about is Blizzard stopped reporting subs and that was a huge red flag about the game’s actual health.
Yes here I’am. I enjoy the game. You have a problem? Heck, I’m one of those few who actually post in other people’s I quit threads saying “Sad to see you go hope you return” instead of dumb “Lol can I have gold” or “Bye felicia”.
So…no idea what you’re on about.
You saying it lies solely with Blizzard was my clue. Reread your own post then talk again about absolutes. I encourage you to google the definition of solely, it may be enlightening to you.