The anger over the 60 days should be a lesson for Blizzard

Doesn’t matter what side you are on, Blizzard failed big time on this… and here is why: When you do something that will impact your customers, specifically their wallet, it is very important to explain INTENT - Why you decided to do what you did

It really is a very simple equation and practiced by the best run corporations out there. Shocking to me that they would not explain why they did this… not that there wouldn’t still be upset people, but it would certainly diminish it.

It’s literally business 101 - and you can only do things like this so many times before people no longer give you money

…of course that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.


What they should figure out is we are idiots that lack basic reading comprehension and should be ignored.


Metro did a video about this. Blizzard’s communication is not good.

You can pay for the monthly subscription and immediately unsub. The only thing this changes for the monthly player is where they’d go to pay for that month.


Here’s another thing to consider while you rage.

The price per month didn’t go up for us like it did in other countries. Its still $14.99

You can still pay one month at a time, with an auto renewing subscription.

Now, by all means, Flame On.


metro? /10

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Clearly you didn’t read my post… grats - It isn’t WHAT they did, it’s HOW they did it.


OneAzerothTV, aka Metrohaha, an MVP.

thanks! theres so many different wow youtubers. i completely missed this guy.

i dont really understand this new sub thing all that much.
what happened?

i’m still disappointed that pepsi got rid of pepsi fire.

Thanks to this post i now realize i should be ANGRY. they OWE ME an explanation for why they made that decision


Business 102 = You don’t run Blizzard so you have no idea why they did it and anything and everything people suggest is only made up or rumor. If you are that hard pressed to know why, call them or email them.

If you are that twisted about this then my suggestion is to just not come back.
(see you in a month).


it was just like drinking fireball but with a hint of pepsi.


I started watching his video and agreed with the communication aspect right up until he compared forum posters to rapists. Stopped watching after that. Hard to take the guy seriously.


Nothing happened to standard subs. We still have the same options we have always had.

Nothing has changed with paying for your sub with in game tokens.

The change is that if you pay for your account using Blizzard Balance or game time cards, you can only buy 60 days of game time. They removed the 30/90/120 day options


That’s not what he said. I have no idea why people keep saying that. He said that players could get so mad about Blizzard’s decisions, that they sounded as if Blizzard were rapists.


awww dude…
that heckin sucks.

I watched it and that’s not how I interpreted his comment. I’ll happily watch again if I’m mistaken. Maybe I should turn on closed-captions, lol.

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Your idea that someone who currently pays for gametime using in-game gold should be forced to pay cash every month from now on has been noted and rejected as out of touch with reality.

This really isn’t a case of “they didn’t communicate, so we have no idea why they’re doing it. If they’d communicated their intent it would have been fine.”

They did it…

  • To force people who buy one month to play one month to buy an extra month of gameplay they don’t want;
  • To convince people to subscribe, knowing that lots of them will forget to unsub when they leave and end up paying for gametime they won’t be using;
  • To get a temporary spike of revenue for the quarterly report coming up.

It’s all about short-term profits.


Ok, I just rewatched and had CC turned on to make sure I was hearing correctly. I see the perspective you’re giving, as though he said, “Forum posters are outraged as if Blizzard are rapists/committing actual crimes.”

I think his analogy and delivery of it was done really poorly and I can easily see why there are those who think he compared outraged forum posters to rapists (myself included). Either way, I think it was a bad analogy and turned me away from listening to the rest of his video.

Hopefully he’ll take it as a learning experience and not make that kind of comparison in the future or will do so much more clearly.


So much this. :point_up:

Can you link me to that? :open_mouth: