The anger over the 60 days should be a lesson for Blizzard

lol, the truth hurts doesn’t it. I’m pretty sure Blizz already figured this out by now.

The only sad part is that stupid fake outrages like this cover over fairly important real rage causers.


Yeah, it’s not the way I would’ve put it at all. I don’t agree with a lot of the things he said in the video either, but I think he’s spot on on communication.

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The part about the lack of communication is near the end.

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Okay i thought the link was broken up and sent me to the wrong video, but nothing seemed to work. It just says “Video unavailable”. :confused:

If they don’t get an explanation, chances are it is because said explanation will only inflame the situation.

In the past, they seem to have given reasonable explanations on their changes. This one, however, doesn’t seem to have an explanation that isn’t predatory.

Could be wrong? How about totally wrong. Read the first item. The reserved right to make changes is a standard practice that any successful business makes.

When you sub to the game, you are making a purchase regardless of the method. When you sub to the game, you by default agree to the legal guidelines spelled out.

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I put spaces because I don’t have Trust Level 3. I think that’s common on the forums. There’s a space between the last two letters and the rest of the link.

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Fixed it! Thank you. :smiley:


Where did I even say this?

I’m saying if you are the type to pay for game time on a monthly basis with cash you can still do that. All you’d need to do is sub and immediately unsub to get 1 month.


I think this is the scummiest decision Blizzard has ever made tbh, and I think they need to look at the issue…

Okay so from their own business perspective it might work better to try and push people into renewable regular subs and 6-month subs, but there are several issues that need to be taken into consideration…

1-I know it’s a joke that America doesn’t understand what the ‘rest of the world’ means, but the fact is there ARE other countries in the world not just USA, where the amount of money you pay is always different, so I think that they shouldn’t make this change for people living in other countries where $30 USA can mean anything between $40-80 in another country. They really need to think this through.

2-Maybe if they want people to sub a bit more regularly, what they should do is you know…

Give retail wow better content?? Clearly if subs are declining focusing all that energy on Classic isn’t cutting it.


Should be a lessen that the community has turned into a toxic dumpster fire that is just looking for a reason to be upset with game companies.


No one cares about this.

Fixed for clarity.


Under Activision’s boot heel it doesn’t surprise me one iota.


I used to buy game cards a long time ago. And I’ve never seen anything but 60 day cards.


I just think they should have done better communicating why and a heads up or something.

Not that a care, doesn’t affect me at all.

Same I buy them for a relative for birthdays, holidays etc. and have never seen less than a 60 day card. I don’t know if it differs on amazon etc… I do agree though every brick and mortar store that I purchased them from only carried sixty day cards.


I’ve only ever seen 60 day cards on amazon, too.

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Everyone thinks differently. There is literally NO explanation that all players would accept.

Think about how many anti-Blizzard posts there are, often for what seem like (to you) trivial reasons. You can’t honestly believe that all of those players would accept a “why” that you accept.

Nonsense. I have never seen a “why” explanation for the pricing structure of Sprint, Comcast, Apple, ATT, Verizon, Nike, or any of the top 100 companies. It simply isn’t done.

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Calling other people idiots for your own lack of basic common sense is…not a good sign.