The amount of trash in ST makes it a chore

I hate running this raid now.

The trash is so effin boring to clear.

This is not fun at all.


WoW is not a boss rush.

Lots of bored folks these days. Good thing Cataclysm is coming soon!! Then we got… The War Within!!! I hear that the War Within has a real nostalgic feel.

Gray skies are going to clear up put on a happy face.

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It isn’t?

Bosses 2, 3, and 4 are all fought back-to-back. It’s actually, in my opinion, slightly jarring to not have trash.

Anyways you can clear the raid in an hour EZ PZ so I don’t understand the trash complaints. Just don’t do old man pulls.

It actually goes super fast once you get the hang of it, and some of the trash is almost fun (ghosts).



I’m skipping it completely. Who has the time.

another day, another crudlord post

It should be 40 mins if they got rid of 9000 trash enemies.

55 min last week!

You can probably get to 40 min currently.

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Imagine if there was very little trash (because you cleared out most of it as part of the lore for the zone). So you had 15 minute boss fights where stuff just got totally nuts as the Boss made a “last ditch effort” to kill your entire raid.

Rag doesn’t just slip beneath the lava; he tries to bring the entire mountain down upon you…kill him and get out. FAST!

Yeah, not a huge fan of it being 80-90% Trash fights…

I like having enough to banter and pass out loot, but the ratio feels skewed to me on this one personally.

Shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes.

Do bigger pulls? Hunter trap slows and kite the mobs do 4-5 packs at once. The trash doesn’t hit that hard.

Trash amount is fine imo, they should have added BoP drops to the trash however like in MC/BWL+ to make it potentially more exciting though.

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Mmm no it isn’t.

Prepare yourself for AQ40 lol

You need to pull more/faster or do more DPS. If you think ST is bad I can’t wait to hear your complaints about the trash in AQ40.

The raid is an hour - hour and a half for a dad tier guild with all the trash.

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Another raid being worse doesnt make this one fine.

All the raids after this aside from BWL will be worse for trash FYI, just because Gnomer could be cleared in 30-40 minutes by casual guilds doesn’t make an hour to an hour and a half to fully clear a raid bad.