The amount of trash in ST makes it a chore

It does in a seasonal version of WoW.

I actually enjoy trash. Hate content where you just zoom from boss to boss.

More trash please.

I donā€™t know what you want to hear, some people can clear it in under an hour, some take a bit over an hour. If an hour to an hour and a half is too long for you to raid, maybe raiding isnā€™t the best use of your limited time?

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We clear under an hour.

Too much trash is too much trash.

Itā€™s not about times.

Itā€™s about how boring it is to clear waves of enemies that drop nothing. (Before 4th boss for mats)

Hey, remember when I said

Iā€™m glad we agree the root problem isnā€™t the amount or the times, itā€™s that itā€™s boring and drop nothing.

I said it isnt fun in my OP.

I said itā€™s a chore.

Iā€™m glad we agree that the trash is a chore and boring and itā€™s not about the times, but that they drop nothing worth while and arenā€™t exciting.

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Im glad youre glad.

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No trash drops is a serious oversight though, Iā€™m legitimately surprised they didnā€™t see it after BFD considering every 60 raid has trash mob drops. It would do a lot to remedy trash if some of the drops were decent to use outside of lolfarmforgold.

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