The amount of goldsellers upset GDKP is gone is wild

That is not true at ALL, Blizzard has never once banned a whole guild because of 1 person gold buying. That has never happened, nor will it ever happen.

EVEN if that were the case, wouldnt you want GDKP’s to happen since by your logic its filled with RMT, and they’ll all get a ban because of 1 person in the raid?

they didnt ban GDKP in cata because the token exists and they get a cut from the gold buyers lol


if that’s the case why not just keep gdkp on sod and bring the token?

You might not understand this, but people play classic versions because they’re still MMORPGs and not the pay2win crybaby games you’re used to.

people would have quit

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well considering it was added in wrath and your probably not looking at those logs. id say you have no idea about the dip.

just reading the reactions though seems like people wernt really fans…

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what do you mean? i played wrath when it got implemented, i looked at the logs

absolutely no trending change, infact as soon as togc got implemented a week or two later, more people played than had played in months

yeah…about that

so your saying population numbers were effected by a raid release? I’m shocked…/s

i don’t know why you keep owning yourself on easily sourced information and randomly speculating if i know what i’m talking about

there’s absolutely no change and you know it too, its sad that you have to play this game everytime u get owned, it reminds me of the thread from yesterday with the dkp vs gdkp debate

wotlk didn’t go below its token introduced population until 5 months later, when icc was over 3 months old and sod just launched lol.

ahh yes it Definity wasn’t planned to launch the token alongside a raid release to pad numbers… if they release it not alongside a raid would your numbers hold up then? probably not.

in other words: you didn’t look at the logs + you didn’t know, which is what you accused me of doing is it not?

after togc was old, did the population leave? nope

did they leave when icc was old? when sod launched, 3 months later, a lot of people went to play sod, there is no drop at all related to the token that we can see, wotlk was really popular through that stretch immediately following the token…

so you’ve got a solid 5+ months of population north of the token population

classic wow has been changing for years, there were boosts introduced at the start of tbc as well as that goofy phase hunter mount, most people who really hates these mtx systems enough to quit have been gone for years

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Decided to scroll down and ctrl+f “gdkp”. 10 Seconds in and i already saw 16 topics regarding GDKP’s

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as someone who spends most days in azshara farming rtv i can 100% confirm not true. bots still rampant and people still buying

They are all triggered. Its hilarious.

Think blizz should add this reature to cata the amount of spam is crazy!!!

So then you were wrong after claiming something.

You really are the fakest person on this forum lmfao.


You being shocked that there are a large number of people that don’t agree with you, or think like you, says more about you than those other people.

Lots of things contribute to Gold Selling/Buying. Here is a list of such things that haven’t been banned or restricted in some way, or that have gotten WORSE with SoD:

Expensive new reagents and crafting materials
New Gold sinks
Power leveling/boosting services

Anytime someone needs to spend gold on something, and that gold is harder to come by, they will be incentivized to spend money for gold. You cannot get rid of the gold sellers and bots if you don’t address the fact that people need gold and a lot of it. And since it doesn’t look like gold, gold sinks, or reagents/crafting is going away neither is the market for gold buyers/sellers.

I haven’t seen gold sellers spamming in chat since well before SoD was even a thing. That was pretty much solved and phased out. What I DID see was an increase in direct whispers for fake account compromise scams. But that happened well AFTER the GDKP ban and was a direct response to their 30 day account restrictions for trading/mail.

No one who doesn’t buy/sell gold should be worried about their accounts being “investigated” for that. What I would worry about is Blizzard taking a terrible and hamfisted approach to dealing with the situation by say, banning an entire raid group because ONE person in the group was a gold buyer/seller. In which case my issue would still be “Blizzard fails at properly addressing issues because they are lazy” and not with GDKP.

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cant they technically go on discord buy it from there and mail them 2-3 of the gold they purchase to avoid suspension or getting the gold taken away or brother blizzard AI bot is detecting how much is too much when being mailed

day without gdkp thread is day wasted

is actually reportable and actionable offense look at Report player and you’ll see

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