The Amani Trolls are the most justified race in game

Zul’jin did a lot of things wrong.

He fought violent imperial humans. White ones btw. it couldn’t be obvious enough at this point.

the humans are not exclusively white, neither are the elves for that matter

they totally are. Stormwind is your generic european medieval styled kingdom. Trolls have meso american and jamaican voices. And both Talanji and Vol’jin are voiced by two black folks.

dude… have you played the game?
these aren’t just npc options you can make and play a black blood elf rn.
Living in a generic european castle or a vaugely middle-eastern elf spire doesn’t bleach the melanin from their skin

This is just what he does. It’s why you shouldn’t take anything he says too serious :dracthyr_nod:

Europeans used the same arguments when they got rid of the native americans. Your argument holds no stand/water.

Amani settled on land that was empty. High elves took it while it belonged to someone else.

You spouting nonsense has nothing to do with what the British settlers did to the native Americans.

This is the nonsense I’m talking about

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It is the same situation you only defend the high elves because they aren’t smelly savages and part of the alliance as usual.

The blood elves are actually in the horde

The Amani abandoned the Horde. They can always join again. I have no trouble with that since the Darkspear are the poorest repacement possible.

Why would the Amani rejoin a faction that they ABANDONED?

Because we are the best chance to get back at the humans and high elves for past transgressions.

The Amani hate the horde

I’ll ask again. Why would they rejoin a faction they ABANDONED?

Words have meaning mind you.

They hate the human kingdoms and high elves more. And we might get a shot at giving Vereesa pypack for the purge too.

I mean, so did the the Void Elves.

They were technically kicked out for continuing to study forbidden magic. But I guess that could be considering abandonding the horde

Quel’thalas and Stormwind isn’t going anywhere on a realistic level. Try to give me a honest answer that doesn’t scenarios that won’t happen

So you admit these things won’t happen since Blizzard build an unbreachable plot armor around the races they like the most?