The Amani Trolls are the most justified race in game

No I mean the Void Elves were part of the Alliance when they were just High Elves, abandoned the Alliance with the rest of their kin, then after they became Void Elves, rejoined.

Doesn’t exist. Plot armor is created from authorium a material prone to random decay into a far weaker form, sometimes and far more rarely it can also increase in power. It is believed that its power comes from the attention of old gods who being old and not liking to find something else to watch instead empower what they are watching to ensure it sticks around so long as they are interested in it.


NO it does exist. The fact your only casuality was Varian after 20 years of wow speaks volumes. Only the Horde leaders are deplorable the alliance ones will never be touched.

I’m a horde main, speaking to the choir here…


Maybe reread what I quoted. I covered this.

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Oh, yeah. Than you’d be correct than :dracthyr_nod:

the Amani dropping their pointless crusade and joining the Horde is pretty much all ive been advocating for here

How will the Amani play out in Midnight since ether they still hold grudges or their empire is so low to a point where their lands are invaded or just wiped out.

I honestly thought the Amani were virtually extinct as it was.

I suppose any whom are left will probably be Void Trolls come Midnight, choosing to ally with the Void to destroy the elves in one last bid of vengeance.

They won’t join the void. They are angry not evil.