And once they have I will remind you of it again. Cheers.
He had a mission. And was dertermined to finish it. I can not blame him for everything he tried to do. If it wasn’t for Velen ex machina claiming the blood elf plot for himself he might have had his well deserved victory. It is a shame how it went. I will never forgive Blizzard for ruining my favorite lore character.
Those whispers are saying that the ‘throne of Silvermoon is hers’, not that the position of Ranger General is hers. We were discussing her position as a potential Ranger General, not as the Queen of the Elves.
Not that she’d ever be able to become Queen of the Elves, because as stated, she’s exiled from Quel’thalas and unable to return.
You won’t have to. Chances are I’ll know.
Of course.
But that doesn’t change the fact that Illidan did not betray Kael’thas as you claimed he did. Kael’thas allowed the fel to corrupt his mind. He joined the Legion willingly. He even ordered his own people to attack Silvermoon so he could steal the Naaru, Mu’ru before he went to Quel’danas where he fully planned to allow Kil’jaeden to use the Sunwell to cross into Azeroth.
At that point he was no longer the Prince that the Elves knew and cherished, he was nothing more than a demon pawn.
They already removed the quest to kill Kul’Krazahn actually.
An exile hasn’t stopped Vereesa to show up and help Halduron. Bob tried to enforce it but the current ranger general dismissed it.
For me he will always be the best. I did the blood elf campaign so many times as child. It is a massive nostalgia selling point for me. Which is why I was so happy to save him in Shadowlands.
Edit: Another example is Tagar. He never had a quest to be killed. He was hostile but not marked. Since TBC we haven’t heard from him. He might be still in Outland leading what remains of the Fel Orcs who didn’t die.
The world quest that occasionally has you kill him is still very much in the game.
There was no story quest for the Horde to kill him, as that NPC is a rare spawn enemy, not a quest target. The quest target near him was the four champions that were using the powers of the Amani loa, and that quest, which involves killing 4 of them (although which one you get is random every time you ring the gong) is also still in the game.
Vereesa was never exiled from Quel’thalas.
Lor’themar only demanded that Vereesa explain why she was in Quel’thalas in the first place, to which she stated, correctly, that Quel’thalas was as much her home as it was Lor’themar’s, and she wasn’t about to see it destroyed by their ancient enemy.
Same High Elves ended up joining the horde. So does that make the Horde Evil too by being hypocrites of denying the Amani their lands and revenge against the Blood Elves?
Naw, people who do bad stuff shouldn’t whine about their problems. I don’t care about whether they’re savages (your word) in a general sense. But they do messed up business and are a general threat / nuisance to anyone about.
Not any less messed up then being part of the group responsible for the Sundering. I am sure Amani aren’t much worse in direct comparison they fought to save the world long befor elves even existed.