The Amani are NOT the good guys

When a power is needed for life to take root, it means that the world was sterile at the time, which by the way gives several indications. The reason Freya had to create Islands of Life at all was because after that war with the Elements and the Old Gods, Azeroth could no longer support any life, it took the effort of the Keepers and the power of the Dream to create new Islands of Life, and all of that was only possible through the WOE. As you can learn here, by the way.

micah…shut up…you talk again nonsense.

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So your not German? Because getting your own nationality confused is pretty bad.

Than again you did admit you will bully people you don’t like, so that’s on you

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… Dude, I’m sorry, but once again the passage you’re quoting is in-line with what I said. You might want to reread my posts. And no, Azeroth wasn’t dead nor completely sterile, because it already had lifeforms. I quoted Chronicles on this. Come on.

I mean, I’m not a native English speaker either, so I definitely won’t blame anyone for that


I am German, but that does not mean that things go lost in translation. That’s an assertion by you and Ren, and I said I bully bully…don’t act like a bully and I’m having an common Lore based - and this is important to note here - LORE based discussion, and no headcanon quacking, then I might as well talk to the mirror…would be better, so Micah, base your arguments on Lore and we’ll have a conversation or stay true to your headcanon, and thereby stay away from me, I certainly don’t need your nonsense.

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It’s okay if things get lost in translation. It’s not a bad thing, it happens

But the appearance of these elemental based creatures was very long after the birth of the enclaves, that was a very long time after the WOE was already there, I’m talking about the time when the world´s continent have still to be shaped, new keepers were created, the great forges were embedded, even the pantheon was still there.

Here, this happened before, the enclaves were created, the emerald dream wild gods appears and take form…azeroth was still shaped by the keepers…and freya started to seed life here and there in the enclaves. and this enclaves were possible because of the woe.

And after this events the creatures of freya (the had even time to travel the world…and sometime in this vague timeslot the wild gods were bound to the emerald dream), and the unknown creatures of freya- maybe wild gods , maybe not, we don´t know - explored the first elemental based lifeforms.

but from a written perspective, the enclaves were clearly first, and later on after an unknown amount of time the elemental based lifeform was changed into flesh and blood -based creature.

and this is the port you present here allways…but its clearly not written as in the same time…to put it out of context made it not right either.

The ordering of azeroth was clearly after the woe have taken place and the woe have taken place clearly before the two forges were working, and invented in the first place.

It tooks milenia to shape the surface…to shape azeroth.

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I own Chronicles. I have it in front of me right now. NOTHING in this passage indicates 1) that the discovery of those elemental lifeforms happened “a very long time” after Freya created the enclaves (it happened after, yes, but “a very long time after” is a headcanon of yours), 2) that they evolved from elementals into their new forms AFTER the WoE was there, 3) that they evolved out of exposition to the WoE. On the contrary. The quote reads “These creatures had emerged from Azeroth’s elemental past of their own free will. […] The fury of these spirits had ebbed over time and they had become creatures of flesh and blood”. The meaning is crystal clear. Everything here suggests that they evolved separately and not because of the Well.

At the very least, you have no choice but to recognize that your initial statement (“no life without the WoE”) was wrong, since those elemental races are descended from the primordial Elementals that escaped imprisonment, and so they predate the WoE and the enclaves by a long time.


Because we learned in Legion that the shaping of Azeroth took millennia, in connection with the five pillars of creation, that’s why I said a long time.

I don’t know how long, just that the shaping of Azeroth took millennia, that’s what I got from Legion.

This is again not true, for that there is Statements#1 what I have already posted. The WOE helped Life - of any kind - to gain a foothold over the whole planet, the statement of the elemental creatures - in their origin they may be elemental - but it is quite possible that without the WOE they would never have become beings of flesh and blood. Your statement never descripted how they went from stony and fire and wind-or waterbased beings into beings of blood and flesh. THE woe is here the missing link…because he helped every lifeform across the globe.

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Lol, ok. The fact is, Amani started the war and then lost. Acting like the High Elves are some evil oppressor race when all they and the humans did was respond to attacks by a larger force is just laughable and shows a very poor understanding of ethics.
“I don’t think they intended to genocide them” Evil troll factions have at every turn wanted to genocide their enemies. The Darkspear were the victims of an attempt at genocide by the other jungle troll tribes even though they’re the same race… There’s nothing to suggest that Amani didn’t intend to wipe out the Elves if they got the chance.


to be fair, the zandalari hold a big influence in this entire event aswell, its not the anamis fault alone, the zandalari even wanted to regain “reassert troll dominance in the Eastern Kingdoms”

without the zandalari, the amani would most likely not be able to unite to chose one warlord to lead them into the entire campaign.

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Yeah, but the Amani, ultimately, make their own choices. The fact remains that the Amani are ultimately to blame for the war escalating to the point where their empire collapsed in on itself. People compare the Amani to victims of colonization but completely and utterly ignore the fact that the human who were natives to the EK and had just as much right to live on that land as they did were being attacked by them too and sided with the High Elves over them.

The Amani apologism is insane to me. Grown people mouthing this nonsense is disconcerting, to say the least.

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in some cases here i think it is more the mindset of “if its against elf or humans, then it is fine”, others simply like the trolls or hate that they are never able to “be rightfully angry” because the story is written in an way that make them even not simply victims, but predators…

The Darkspear were victimized by the other troll tribes and Garrosh and the narrative treats them as such. The Zandalari were victimized by the alliance and (the horde side at least) treats them as such. The only real example that is out of tone, imo, is the Drakkari who should’ve been treated as victims of the scourge and had no reason to be against the other factions.

In regards to the Drakkari alone, I will agree that Blizzard did them dirty for no real reason. Dark Trolls too, now that I think about it.

Let’s be honest here, people only side with the Amani because their aesthetic is based on native south Americans. If the Amani were dressed as, say, Vikings or Slavic natives none of you people would even be making these ridiculous arguments.

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REMINDER that the Amani Empire was bigger than Arathor and Quel’Thalas combined even before the Troll Wars. The Trolls were, and are, nothing more than bullies and not poor helpless victims!

This is a quote from Chronicles. You don’t get to claim it is “not true”.

Reread the entire quote. They emerged “of their own free will”. The phrasing here clearly aims at differenciating between those races and the ones that evolved because of the Well (those were mentioned just before in the book). You’re twisting quotes into saying whatever you want even when their meaning is crystal clear.

Feels like we’re going in circles here. You keep showing me quotes that I know and that don’t contradict anything that I’m saying. I’m getting tired of this conversation. Let’s just leave it at that okay


Azshara literally didn’t conquer the Trolls completely for the explicit reason that she didn’t consider them worth it. And I’d like a quote for the claim that she tried to purge lesser races at all.

The Night Elves under Azshara were so racist that they maintained good relations with the Pandaren Empire…lol. Don’t get me wrong, Azshara and her inner clique were clearly evil and the Night Elves in general were expansionist. But they weren’t committing genocide left and right like Troll Fans pretend they were and were perfectly capable of interacting with other races.


They kinda were though. It’s explicitly because of their xenophobia towards what they considered to be “lesser races” that they were so reluctant to strike an alliance with the Tauren, Furbolg and Earthen at first during the War of the Ancients


Yeah, they practiced casual “We’re better than everybody else” racism. The troll empires practiced advanced “We want to kill everybody who isn’t a troll” racism. The only exception were the freaking Mogu who are just as evil as the trolls were.

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