I’v always found it weird how americans of all people sometimes just make pro monarchy stories
Well, they did that with the defias eventually, with anduin during his reign pouring resources and granting official pardon for those that were willing to talk, but some just wanted to be criminals.
You’re wrong. One, Theramore is never referred to as such. Two, early in Alliance side questing in Jade Forest, Taran Zhu tells Ren, the Night Elf, that his people will not participate in their “genocidal war”. This happens right after you kill the orc warlock in the Horde base.
And, yes, just about every race has suffered through what people would call a genocide. The dwarves seem to be the one race that has escaped that fate so far. Losses, yes, but nothing like the other races. That’s not ‘fan fiction’.
I don’t want them.
I really don’t know why the Amani get treated by some fans as precious cinnamon rolls who are unfairly oppressed, considering there are like 500 other tribal societies and the vast majority of them are either good or at least haven’t done nearly as many bad things as the Amani have.
Like, do people think every tribal society in real life was purely good just because they weren’t “civilized”? Because evil empires exist everywhere, in all types of civilization.
Let’s go over some quick facts:
- The Amani are not victims of colonialism. The elves have made no attempt to push them out of their homelands and let them occupy the territory they have. They have never been conquered or enslaved. The huge number of Amani at Zandalar shows they’re free to come and go as they please.
- While many elves have expressed resentment or hatred of the Amani, they never show the same resentment to other trolls, including the Witherbark. Making it clear the conflict is not ethnic.
- The Amani have explicitly engaged in slavery, torture and attacks on civilian targets.
- The Amani are always explicitly the aggressors, with the Elves never seeming to take a proactive role in fighting them unless there’s already been a prior act of aggression.
The Amani aren’t victims of colonialism, they are the colonists.
you almost got me to reply seriously
Has no one here read War Crimes??
Taran Zhu explicitly accuses Garrosh of “genocide”.
Read the books, people.
Because they have legitemate grievances that speak alots of sympathy to players who are themselves part of a group of colonized people and want to see them to succeed against the aggressors that stole all their land especially in light of the israel-gaza war and native americans still trying to get out of poverty.
Look at the before and after maps and say that again.
Zul’Aman is still firmly Amani territory and the Horde and Alliance have made like zero attempts to take it over. They just fight off the Amani’s forces when they start attacking people.
And the rest of their land is not. That is the point.
“But we let you keep your capital don’t you see how generous we are?!”
Except the lands they took that form Quel’thalas, yeah.
That were abandoned ruins when the high elves stumbled upon where quel’thalas would end up.
But I see we’re still ignoring that
We already talked about it, you and me personally. Did you forget that?
The elves moved into the unoccupied parts. The Amani’s territory was always left alone unless they started a conflict first.
If anything, the elves have gone very far out of their way to avoid conquering or wiping out the Amani. The Humans, lest we forget, rounded up huge amounts of orcs and enslaved them because they believed that was the only way to stop the wars. The elves never did anything close to that. Their policy is generally “don’t start none, won’t be none.”
Nope. Just pointing out that is impossible to kick someone out of a place that’s abandoned and nobody was actually living there
“They didn’t even use the land before we arrived.” every average european setteler around 1607
You don’t have to occupy land for it to be territory you own.
Kicked out? I said they took the land.
And? That’s not exactly a crime. The high elves simply settled where nobody had lived for thousands of years
Taking land someone else owns is exactly a crime. They call it theft. (Land theft might have a more technical term.)