The Amani are NOT the good guys

You also only see what you want to see, right? You forgot the part where the Amani attacked the refugees first, the aggression and the elves defended themselves to the point that they killed every Amani troll that crossed their path. (And stopped to be simply defender of their kind but an aggresor aswell)

Do I think that’s right, well, considering that I say one may defend themselves? This conflict knows no true moral victor in my eyes, both sides are understandable, both sides have good arguments, but the Amani are clearly not pure victims here either, they started the circle of hate in this case based on old hatred of the night elf empire from the days of azshara.

That is my opinion.

This history of blood was avoidable.

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Also? You mean like you do? No, I do see both sides. I won’t deny that the High Elves were desperate. They sure were. But this desperation is a result of their own actions. They had a nice, privileged life under Azshara and refused to give that up even when they had firsthand experienced the disastrous consequences of her actions. And they weren’t chased away in disgrace, they left happily enough. I’m sorry but it is hard for me to see them as poor victims.

That said I also don’t think the Amani are poor victims. They aren’t a nice and hospitable people even under the best circumstances and those weren’t. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to defend their own lands.


i see both sides, and both sides have valid points, this is the reason its moraly grey…no one is clearly a poor victim and no one is clearly a villian…its grey.


I agree. I just wish it would have been written that way, too.

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It is written this way, see above.

The proto quel’dorei were arrogant, and I think did not realize what they were signing up for when they left the relative security and comfort of Kalimdor to sail east. By the time they did, it was too late to undo it even if they wished to do so.

The hatred between trolls and elves already ran deep, so it did not take much more than being within feasible range for the trolls to begin terrorizing the elves with constant nighttime raids. During their wandering as an itinerant people a lot of them froze to death in the winters—That is why Quel’thalas was locked in eternal spring. By the point they had found the leyline nexus they were well and truly desperate, and had no mind to respect troll land claims.

Well considering what we know now magic itself is not inherently evil/dangerous and that proper use of it is the only thing that has managed to save the world half a dozen times.

That wasn’t exactly the case. It was more “if you stay and use magic we will kill you.” So they left because they didn’t have a choice/wanted to be free anyway.

Being fair the Highborne threw a temper tantrum and smashed up Ashenvale with a big magic storm. That was what prompted their exile, as Malfurion could not bring himself to execute so many people.


I wasn’t talking of the words alone, but rather the tone in which Chronicles is written. I.e. humans and High Elves are glorious conquerers whereas the Amani deserved to have their land taken from them because they weren’t nice enough.

A deal that was known to to the High Elves beforehand. And they still did it. They were lucky that they were expelled instead of executed and as I said, they weren’t sad about that either.


However, many of the original high-borne survivors grew restless.
Like Illidan before them, they fell victim to the withdrawal that
came from the loss of their coveted magics. They were tempted,
once again, to tap the energies of the Well of Eternity and exult in
their magical practices. Dath’Remar, the brash, outspoken leader of
the high-borne, began to mock the druids publicly – calling them
cowards for refusing to wield the magic that was theirs by right.
Furion and the druids chaffed of Dath’Remar’s arguments and
warned the high-borne that any use of magic would be punishable
by death. In their insolence, Dath’Remar and his followers unleashed
a terrible magical storm upon Ashenvale in an ill-fated attempt to
convince the druids to rescind their law

So a few things of note. They were experiencing magical withdrawal hence why they were adamant about the use of magic. The storm was caused by them trying to prove to the druids shouldn’t have had that law in the first place.

So that storm causing havoc was abit of a chicken and egg in terms of who was responsible.

Apperently he wanted to execute them for any magic use even before the whole storm business.

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Most of the Highborne happily accepted their banishment.They were finally free of the other night elves’ constraints.

We may know that now, but that was not the case at the time.


between “not nice enough”, and…attacking refugees…is a big difference…don´t you think?


The high elves came as conquerers and are nowadays servants of Stormwind. If anything the Horde should offer them help to get back at their enemies.

And others werent so happy. Depending on whether we consider Lorash’s whole back story canon or not.

While that is true at the same time it was horribly short sighted of Malfurion to ban and ultimately he was proven wrong and now the night elves have allowed mages back in their ranks.

What the ever living hell are you even talking about Erevien? The high elves that are “servants” of Stormwind would have nothing to do with the Horde. And no they are not servants.

Shortsighted by Elven standards maybe. But I’d say they did well without arcane magic for quite some time. The Long Vigil isn’t called long for nothing.


It’s not just that, it’s a noticeable change of tone whenever certain races are mentioned. Trolls, specifically, are often referred to as “savage” or "cunning"and practicing “dark” magics, in contast to the “wise” or “noble” humans and elves. Terms like these automatically label them as the bad guys in the eyes of the reader. And wow, they’re also cannibals, it’s good if we kill them all.
But if you look at the facts alone, or even try to imagine the exact same scenario with the roles reversed, you would see a different picture.

To clarify, I don’t think trolls are perfect or innocent, far from it. I’m just tired of the unjust treatment they get in the story.


Thanks, Zahir. That will be my new favorite quote: Azshara not even being interested in conquering the Trolls completely, because they’re just minor nuisances in her eyes. That pissed them off to no end.

Why did I know you would take the bait?

Well only because the Legion didn’t know where to go. However, Illidan was right, the Legion would attack again and again and ultimately the Second invasion was only beaten because there were races that used arcane magic to help stop the Legion.

The modern high elves are part of the alliance and still in league with the humans just as their ancestors did. IF anything to go by, the Alliance at large should be the main concern of the Amani nowadays. If the trolls want to survive they need to ally with the Horde in order to take their revenge.

Can you make up your mind Erevien on who you want to support? The elves or the trolls, not both.

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