The Amani are NOT the good guys

Elementals are inherent to all known planets on the mortal realm, world soul or not. Draenor had elementals for example.
Azeroths elementals are more disorderly then usual due to very little of the spirit element renaming on the planet as the world soul consumed most of it. The spirit element is usually balancing and can turn stuff like rocks and elements into fleshy mortals and sprouting plants etc.

I’m pretty sure he meant troll ears. The high elves used to venture past the Amani border markers to hunt trolls and take their ears as trophies.

it’s not for the lack of trolls trying to live there though. They never ceded their claim and have continuously tried to get their land back, living adjacent in the forests as close to the area as they can. It would be different if they gave up on it, but they never did.


after 6000 years? I mean…after such a long time no claim is even vague valid.

Imagine you would want to claim something from a nation because of maps from 6000 years ago…

looks at the Middle east

Yeah that doesn’t happen at all.

The Middle East wants the pre-colonial era borders, not a time from 6000 years ago…over 6000 years even.

You’re right. People always gloss over the fact that the Amani attacked the High Elves as soon as they were near their land because the Amani were still sore over the Night Elven Empire. Building Quel’Thalas on their land came later after the two races were already bitter enemies.

People can pretend otherwise all they want, but canonically, Amani attacked first with the intent to genocide the High Elves. Comparing them to real world native peoples is silly and grasping at straws.

Except Israel, who wants to claim the West Bank partial because of its historical ties to judea and samaria. Which is about 3-4k years ago.

äh, less then 2000 years you want to say, right? According to roman records.

Actually some Jews are using the biblical claim that that was where Abraham was born/was their promised land. so no, again more like 3k+ years ago.

a miniority, yeah…but not the official position of their gouverment…

My point still stands that we humans have used ancient historical claims to justify wanting a certain piece of land. Heck, my own country is trying to claim Sabah because of a 400 year old view that it was once part of our country./was only “leased” out.

I mean, you say it yourself, the Amani attacked the High Elves because they had every reason not to like them or want them on their land. These are the same people who decimated them before ( quote from Chronicles with the exact wording btw ) and followed Azshara on her “purge the world from all lesser races” crusade almost to the very end. How on earth would they be welcome on Amani lands?

Nobody’s denying that they attacked first. It was their land and they had every right to do so, for reasons as stated above. I don’t think they intended to genocide them, though, because by all rules of logic they could have if they really wanted to (sure the Elves had magic, but so did the Amani and the Elves were fewer and weakened )


The chronicle said they hold a bitter hatred of elves from the days of queen Azshara but the elves didn´t decimated them like some people wanted to claim in the other thread…i even posted this source a few days ago…

and here ´s the source of what happened between high elves and amani.

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The Arabs were the first colonizers there. Long before the Europeans showed up. Also ISIS is losing so there won’t be a caliphate any time soon.

The Kaldorei Empire took most lands which used to be part of the remaining troll empires. Which is a blight all bigger tribes suffered from. So I hold the current night elves accountable for that. Along with the rest of the alliance. As long as the Troll lanads is still occupied by alliance forces there can’t be peace.

That is and is not entirely true. On most worlds, where spirit is balanced, the world would have inert elemental spirits without physical manifestation. TBH without cosmological disaster mucking your world up it is interesting to wonder how many worlds in the Great Dark are fairly low magic, overall.

Considering how widespread the agents of Fel and Void are in the Great Dark though, I’d imagine that most worlds did suffer some form of cosmological disaster. And that’s counting out planets like Draenor that are highly unstable and chaotic due to purely internal factors (stuff like the Evergrowth)

With that is mind my guess would that be many, many worlds have physical Elementals

Well, if they didn’t decimate them then and just idk… drove them out? they sure did so when they encountered them again. You quoted it yourself: the High Elves decimated every Amani who dared cross their path. Dared cross their path on their own land.

Do you think the High Elves were right to do so, Zahir? Do you think they were right to enter another peoples’ lands ( a people they had driven out before when Azshara expanded her empire ) and kill them when they refused to just give it to them, too?
Do you really think that was the good and right thing for them to do?


I long for the day the troll empire rises again. That is my dream. They deserve to get ALL of their lands back. That means Northrend for the Drakkari, Lordaeron for the Amani and Azeroth for the Gurubashi. All will be made right again.

i didn´t judge this situation, i only provided the source.

but to ask yourself…the amani attacked refugees on side…and wanted to kill them with raid partys…and the refugees defend themselve…but was it fine to take all that stuff from them, i would say no, but the amani let them no option expect violence…because they attacked them and showed clearly no sign of …mutual relationships.

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I’m interested in your opinion here, not the sources. I know the sources. The sources state that the High Elves entered Amani lands and upon finding out they were not wanted there for obvious reasons still stubbornly pressed forwards and decimated any Amani who dared crossed their path

Does that sound like poor, helpless refugees to you who just wanted to defend themselves?