The Amani are NOT the good guys

If you don’t care about Me, why should I care that the “Horde was “”“ruined””“”?

Can’t wait for the 30000th thread of Horde players crying about having to accept a few quests from Jaina and Dagran II. :rofl:

You don’t, You never pretended to care and the fact that you don’t is why i don’t care about you. You’re a whiny brat, crying endlessly about imagined horde players mistreating you and thus giving you an excuse to be a worthless bastard to everyone else.


Go take quests from Lady Prudmoore little man. :rofl:


Who is Lady Prudmoore?

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Patron Saint of stomach pains I’m guessing :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Boomer humour. :yawning_face:

Idk, ask the Sunreavers. :grin:

We know who Lady PROUDMOORE is

But you haven’t answered who Prudmore is? Is she a cousin to the Lord of Prunes?


Last I checked, Lady Prudmoore is going to be one of the final bosses in the Siege of Stormwind raid, after the Arathi Empire join the Alliance and take it over; she’ll be a bit after the Alleria & Vereesa, and Jaina fights. Don’t quote me on that, though.

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I don’t care. All I care about is reminding everyone that Stormsong Valley is a breadbasket region watered by blessed waters, one of the most fertile and prosperous regions on Azeroth, and produces many fruits and other foodstuff for the kul tirans to consume.

Meanwhile, the Horde in that wretched arid wasteland they call “home” don’t even know what a “prune” is.

That is what the orcs/trolls/tauren deserve. :grin:

You need to touch grass dude, take some sunlight, bathe in vitamin D, seriously.


Orc/Tauren/Troll players constantly make fun of Theramore and Teldrassil, which were literally genocides.

Why should I wish them well?

Not only was Theramore not a genocide, are you aware of the fact that Theramore and Teldrassil are/were not real?


No, he is infact not aware of that. At all.

You clearly haven’t read War Crimes, where Theramore is in fact stated to be a “genocide” by the war crimes trial jury.

Maybe you can pick up War Crimes in between switching alt accounts to stalk me.

I actually have read War Crimes, and Theramore isn’t called a genocide.

I am not stalking you.

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Wild to think anyone cares enough to use alts

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Some players were annoying, some players do the whole “garrosh did nothing wrong”. Some players believe those to be low points. Alliance players and horde players aren’t monoliths.

Acting like that just makes you look either petty or just looks like a weak bait.

This is a videogame universe controlled by blizzard, metzen has the power to wake up someday and simply tell teldrassil was never burned and everyone is there living fine, thats just how flimsy this fictional world is, why trying to count stupid wins in some make believe faction measuring contest?

And I’m not saying is wrong to be invested in lore, just saying that there is a healthier approach.


Yeah, and these players believe the Burning of Teldrassil is a “low point” only because they wanted Sylvanas to somehow be absolved/white-washed and it turned out it was Azshara all along.

They couldn’t care one bit about Teldrassil, they only care that the Horde was made to look bad doing it and didn’t get away with it.

Even though it makes sense that Sylvanas burned it because she pulled the exact same move with Gilneas in Cataclysm. :slight_smile:

Gilneas and Teldrassil couldn’t be any-more different. Gilneas was still habitable (see: the Rogue dagger questline), and Sylvanas had to be outright ordered to invade Gilneas by Garrosh.


It’s not wrong to not want to care about Teldrassil, or that your concern about it starts and ends with having been made to be part of its burning.