The Amani are NOT the good guys

it also give them an excuse to open up a wildhammer vs forest troll BG in the Hinterlands if they wished to.

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True. I hadn’t thought about that actually

No we don’t. The alliance has 3 of the races responsible for the downfall of troll civilization.

If Blizzard has any medi literacy and is sensible to the problematic implecations of turning colonizers good then that will not happen.

The major branch actually with the most people of them.

As does the Horde??

  • Forsaken, aka Humans of Lordaeron

  • Blood Elves, aka High Elves of Quel’Thalas

  • Nightborne, aka Highborne of the Kaldorei Empire

On top of the fact that it was the Horde that raided Zul Aman in TBC (not the Alliance) and it was Vol’jin of the Horde-aligned Darkspears who led the assault on Zul Aman in Cataclysm.

The Amani at this point should despise the Horde as much if not more than they despise the Alliance.

As a matter of fact, the Amani NPCs were hostile to the Horde in BfA. :slight_smile:


just the blood elves. Really. Also the Undead are reduced to Tirisfal the rest is alliance controlled.

Isolated city state cut out from the rest of the empire. the night elves inherited the Azshara legacy.

Zul’jin is dead so a new leader might be open to negotiations with an old ally.

Who is also dead.

Are you playing the same game? At all? High elves and humans killed most of them.

They were neutral and came to the funreal of Rastakhan in peace.

The Nightborne are literally the Highborne of Queen Azshara who crushed the Trolls in ancient times.

Stopped reading here as it’s obvious that you are arguing in bad faith, not wasting My time on this.

The Horde was their only chance of getting revenge on the elves and they blew it away by ignoring Doomhammer’s orders.

Maybe the trolls should stop starting wars with the elves and crying about it when they lose? Starting wars has consequences.

Biggest cry bullies in Warcraft.

They attacked trespassers. The same thing night elves did to the Orcs mind you. Never see you complaining about that.

And they lost. Then they came back 4000 years later and lost again. Then came back 2700 years after that and lost again. Then came back and lost again.

Maybe they should just stop.

Orcs didn’t stay do create a new nation and left the night elves alone. High elves committet a genocide and stole 100% of the land. They are the villains of the story. The Amani did nothing wrong.

Neither of those things happened. The high elves never committed genocide and they took a very small portion of the Amani’s vast empire as compensation for the war the Amani started.

Lying again are you turning into Zerde now?

It went from this

To his

They took everything from the trolls and keep claiming to be the victims like all imperialists do.

Ah yeah, I forgot the high elf kingdom of Lordaeron. Silly me.

Notice how Quel’thalas is the same size in both maps though.

Well humans are allies of the high elves so they will taste the revenge too.

Those humans’ ancestors are the forsaken now. Seems like the Amani should join the Alliance since they have long ancestral conflicts with 2 Horde races.

Stromgarde? Original Arathor heartland.
Dalaran? Where the 100 that summoned the fire went.
Half of Lordaeron? Controlled by the argent crusade.

Yeah that was neat. Would be cool to see them do it again.

never change elf fans. Make your evil and racism for all to see.

Maybe the Amani could just stop trying to commit genocide and then they wouldn’t get their butts beaten repeatedly.

Just a thought.