The Amani are NOT the good guys

We’re not talking about real life but a fictional war between two fictional races

Y’all need to stop with the real life scenarios that are irrelevant to WoW


A war started by the elves entering someone elses land without permission. They wiped out almost an entire race because they felt entitled to any land they might find. And considering elves doomed the world twice by now I think any violent reaction towards them is more then justified.

In that generation, perhaps. but it has been literally over five thousand years. Trolls at least have a human like lifespan normally. That is some 200 generations. They should barely even have the cultural memory to hold that sort of grudge outside of myths.

I can’t felt sympathy here since the game does its lion share of painting the elves in the right whenever they like while every actual colonized person IRL can totally identify with the Amani who went through a similar experience. It is damm time overdue that they finally become playable so the insult of Elf RPers as smelly savages can finally stop.

Right? I genuinely don’t understand these people.

Can they go 10 minutes without drawing some silly irl “comparison” that has no place here?

The Amani were very much interested in seizing “fertile new lands” for themselves and massacred the aqir to do so; the elves did the same to the Amani. Seems pretty comparable to me. In both instances the trespassers deemed the land’s present occupants a “barbaric, evil race” and displaced them. They differ in that the Amani made the “extermination of the aqir their new imperative” after establishing Zul’Aman, while to my knowledge no such policy was pursued against the Amani.

The Aqir are old god spawn. The Amani are people.

Bug people are still people, as this entire expansions seems to be set up to show. Sure they are not quite normal to human standards, but they still have cultures.

At the time we speak of they still followed the old gods who enslaved the whole world before. The Trolls never did anything similar and kept to themselves most of the time.

I’d have an easier time listing the WoW races who don’t owe their existence to some weird goo or ancient curse or magical mutation or unnatural acceleration. “It’s okay to displace evil races from land real people want” is a silly position for the pro-Amani side of this argument to take, because it legitimizes the pro-elf one.

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Amani are quite factually normal people who didn’t need any magical boosts, happy coincedences or a literal god to validate their existence. The purpose of the Aqir before the Titans came was to corrupt Azeroth for the Void. And so far only the nerubians ever rebelled.

We actually don’t know that. Like at all. All we know is that trolls evolved from some sort of proto-troll like race. We don’t know if the progenitor race was uplifted by a god, mutated by the curse flesh, they stumbled upon an ancient source of magic, etc

Before Chronicles Retcon Brann speculated they are go as far back as old gods being used as their slaves. And also Chronicles confirmed Elves needed Elune and the Well of Eternity to rise to power.

That fourth aberration I mentioned actually did boost trollkind up the evolutionary ladder, but I digress.

The Amani struck their displacers as every bit as “barbaric and evil” as the race they displaced. I don’t believe meta knowledge as to which race sprang from which puddle of primordial ooze factored into either displacement.

As Kaileath said, we’re about to ally with the (perfectly sentient) descendants of these same aqir, who owe their evolution to another round of old god corruption. Is it really okay to dismiss their species as deserving of extermination when by all accounts, the aqir of old were less corrupt than the ones we’re about to befriend?

We KNOW the Nerubians were against their masters. We can not say the same of all other insect people. I have yet to see any ancient evil worshipped by the Amani and the high elves were the same highborne that brought upon the Sundering and demons because elves actually live that long.

They have also let slip the black empire apparently was not all that horrible. There were things worthwhile enough they made Odyn nervous these new fangled mortals might decide the old gods had a pretty nice set up and want to bring them back. So, he ordered their own records doctored to ensure we would never find out.

I support the Amani because the blood elves will get cooked in Midnight so better leave the sinking ship before it can upset me.

I am gonna laugh soo hard if the Amani join the void and end up on the loosing team yet again.

It’s worth mentioning that the Amani are just one of the forest troll tribes.

The Amani can be villain-batted and we can still have Neutral Forest Troll allied race. They’d just have to come from the Revantusk tribe or some other Forest troll tribe. :smiley:

The Revantusks are probably the best bet. They seem to be willing to work with others as long as they have noble goals.