The Amani are NOT the good guys

It also completely undermines the reason some Kaldorei were desperate to plant a new world tree and get the dragons to rebless it to begin with… so it kind of unravels the druids of the flame in the process when you think to hard on it.


I mean, people are also discounting/forgetting about the affects that the Sunwell had/have on the high/blood elves too.

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Except A Thousand Years of War cites the Sunwell as the source of their longevity. So it makes plenty of sense in that context.

That brought her head up. Turalyon met her gaze steadily. He knew she understood him:
human lives were short. The elves of Silvermoon had the Sunwell and, thus, something akin
to immortality.

I sort of hate that bit because it makes the whole sacrifice of the long vigil seem sort of… idiotic? Like were the night elves just being silly the entire time and arcane magic was perfectly ok?

Though I would argue that if you live even 2000 years naturally, thatis functional immortality against a human that lives 100.

Yes and no. They’ve since reintroduced highborne and mages. And the High Elves were fine. But it was human mages that drew the Legion back to Azeroth. And the corruption of Medivh that opened the door.

It’s weird that the outliers in terms of age is the royal family. Like incredibly weird.

Anasterian is absolutely ancient at like 3000 years old but Lorash is 7000 and his mom is even older? That’s just weird.

Blizzard made an absolute mess out of the timeline.

“This random rogue is actually super old and has personal beef with the night elves and is super skilled and stuff” reads like a bad RP character.


I know that this is an old post but upon reading the title I just got to say: I would prefer neither side to be the ‘good’ guys.

This one is questionable, because if we look at old maps shown, it shows that the Night Elves themselves never really encroached on Amani tribe territory, aur contraire, the trolls were the active aggressors against the Night Elven empire - the Night Elves took largely empty land, but had no desire for further expansion into larger troll tribe territories, but the troll, regardless, threw themselves at the Night Elves for the sole purpose of bloodshed.

Until Azshara finally struck a deal with the Zandalari, telling them to reign in the other troll tribes or they would all simply be exterminated. The Night Elves had the power to do so, but didn’t care enough to do so.

The trolls themselves are and have always been the dumbest ones in the elf vs troll conflict, they played themselves.

What? There’s tons of overlap.

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Fair, I did do a double check on the maps. I was so certain that the Night Elves actually only took most of the middle and western part of Kalimdor. Turns out they also took a large part of Drakkari and Amani land.

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Azashara took land until she apperantly got bored of conquering land and told the Zandalari she would let them survive if they would keep the other trolls in check. The super humiliating “peace treaty” the trolls got forced into signing basically cemented pretty unmitigated hatred of any and all elves.

With more modern lore in mind, I half way wonder if Azashara only stopped because the Dragon Aspects had begun to become increasingly concerned with her actions on the mainland, and she did not want to deal with the Draconic Empire yet.

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Because the number 3000 is not his age but the time of his ruling as king.

The term 3000 years is the reference since when he is in charge.

I think it’s also worthy to note that the troll nations was not in a good state post the sundering. It’s stated that famines and conflict was common place in the broken troll kingdoms overall.
The trolls that went to the most extreme methods are the gurubashi summoning Hakkar, and that was thousands of years after the high elves settling Quel’thalas, showing that even then they had not recovered.
Source: The troll compendium.

Now we don’t know if the trolls or the Amani knew that the sundering was caused by the highborne, but if they did then it would have been another reason for why they would dislike them, their current famines and misery they had endured for generation was caused by most likely several of the same individuals that came into their land.

Don’t speak to Vardoc it’s wasted energy, he is in the most literal sense, a troll. He literally changes his arguments and views between threads. The one common thread is that Alliance is good.

On another note, the Aqir thing isn’t even a valid comparison. The trolls had split into empires/tribes even before the Aqir awoke. When the Aqir were roused from their slumber in the south western kalimdor they created their own empire Azj’Aqir in western kalimdor, they then decided to remove all life and claim Azeroth in honor of the old gods. This attack on all life is what caused the troll empires to unite into the Empire of Zul and hunt down as many Aqir they could as they Aqir fled all across Azeroth into areas that had not been in control of Azj’Aqir. The trolls then settled many of the areas where they had hunted them.
So it’s not even the same pretense of a conflict, the Amani never went first to the territory of either highborne or Aqir, on both conflicts the Aqir and Highborne arrived with the intent to claim land. Although the Aqir had the intent to kill everything as well.
The conflicts are so different that it’s almost useless to compare them.

No, there is no reason to assume any existing enmity between Azshara and the aspects before the war.

As a matter of fact, the blue dragons regularly interacted with the highborne of Azsuna, even studying at the magical academy in Nar’Thalas, and the green dragons of Loreth’Aran served as mounts to the highborne dragon-riders.

Azshara didn’t bother to conquer Zandalar because it’s a backwater wasteland of little value.

The Empire of Zul was the original empire which was manifested into existing befor the trolltribes splittet in different faction, this was post war.

Your version is the entire different order of events from whats realy occuring

First Empire of Zul (The empire of Zul awakaned the Old God Servant, which awakened the Aqir in the first place)
Then Awakening Aqir
Troops/Armys of Empire of Zul hunted the fleeing/defeated aqir-Armys over the entire Continent
The lands which were taken during this time from the trolls were later on granted to the different tribes which ettablished themselfe during this time period.

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No this is not correct, the original empire was the Zandalari Empire, then the other troll tribes arose from trolls not being satisfied by the caste system of the empire, so they left to form their own tribes and empires, the Zandalari thought they would see their folly and return at some point. When Azj’Aqir declared war against the trolls and had already devoured several tribes was when the Zandalari reunited the separate trolls and created the empire of Zul.

Sources: Chronicle 1, Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde.

If you have other sources please care to share.

The Amani are infact the good guys for sure.

Only elf RPers can pretend trying to claim all the land for their empire and then cry being the victim after met with resistance from all the people who already live on it beforehand.

No, they infact are not good guys. Neither were the high elves.

if syrian refugees entered poland, took all the land, and declared their own nation on the former thing do you believe anyone in the EU would support them?