The Amani are NOT the good guys

lmao that makes me using Felo’melorn when I was still a troll back in Legion kiiinda awkward now.


I’m just responding to him bringing it up.

“Wrong: the WORLD only believes in might, Azeroth too.”

He said the world and Azeroth. :man_shrugging:
Don’t blame me.

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At least you saved world and murdered demons with it instead :dracthyr_nod:

Ah, My bad. I mostly skim his posts and barely read them. I just saw Azeroth and didn’t think much about it

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This is such a tricky topic because it touches upon certain real life sensibilities. I think that’s why it’s been such an enduring debate for all of this time.

That being said, the moral debate over all of this could go on and on until Blizzard one day shuts WoW’s servers down. Any argument can be made about what “should” be done in regards to Amani and their former lands, but it’s often far removed from what “could” realistically be done.

There’s absolutely no chance for Quel’thalas to be returned to the Amani, for a whole host of reasons both related to the lore and gameplay reasons. It’s much like Lordaeron being returned to solely human hands. It’s simply not feasible. Not even the Zandalari and the Darkspear have much reason to push for this.

At best, the Revantusk might have some relevance in ensuring that the Amani aren’t finally wiped off the face of the continent come Midnight. We’ll have to wait and see.


I’m all for the Amani getting a great story for a change. That’s not the issue. The issue is we have some people against admitting that both sides were in the wrong.

They fail to understand that there is no Right side in the conflict between the Amani and the High/blood elves. Both groups hunted the other for sport and out of hatred


still beats being an arms warrior troll

Didn’t they get Trollakar or something? I know it was another famous troll killing weapon

Yes, that is what these people want. They want the blood elves to suffer because their ancestors and the troll’s ancestors once had a war where trolls lost land. A war the trolls started.

It’s utterly insane, but it’s what they want.


Kinda funny to call parents, grandparents, and great grandparents as ancestors.

You do realize that the troll wars ended 2,800 yrs ago right? Like, it wasn’t a recent event?

As far as I know Dath’remar, his son, and his son’s son were all dead by the time the troll wars happened. And considering this was a time of peace for the high elves and there’s no mention of them dying in war, they had to have died from age or disease.

Don’t forget about the retcon of blood elf ages, thanks to that one now-undead rogue from BFA and reinforced by Shandris talking to a dark ranger about both having fought together nearly 3k years ago. It’s very possible there are belves still living that are not only personally responsible, but are still capable of fighting today.


We do not speak of Lorash. He was a sloppily made attempt to excuse the Blood Elves not seeing the WoT as the Scourging of Qeul’thalas 2.0 that it was.

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I actually forgot about that little lore tidbit. But yeah, you’re right. There very well could be elves alive today who were involved in the troll wars back than

Unfortunately, as I also pointed out, Shandris having fought alongside Ranger Captain Areiel is a second example. You could cut out Lorash and this would still apply, as the original dark rangers were explicitly Arthas’s attempts at trying to relive his thrill with Sylvanas.


Why is blizzard so awful with time. I really want to know that.

The core concept for why Anasterian lost to Arthas was he was ancient, and just couldn’t keep up with the younger fighter… and he was the great, great, great, great grandson of Dath’Remar.

It also makes the Long Vigil and the bronze gift of immortality make absolutely no sense at all.

Argh. I guess it is their sloppy storytelling catching up with them yet again.


That’s also a weird thing since when did night elves and high elves fight together 2000 years ago?

It’s just weird.

We know elves can live that long because Anastarian was still alive from the troll war era 2700 years ago, but he was older than dirt by the time Arthas came knocking

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Yeah and elves are virtually immortal. There are only two generations between Dath’remar and Anasterion. And some, like Lorash and his mom, were even around since then.

Not to pile on, I know some people mentioned it. And Alleria is pretty good for her age. But I’ve always said Anasterion seems more like the outlier. We’ve never seen any other old seeming elves but several supposedly ancient ones.

My point was that there are no living trolls from that time period. So the grandparent/parent remark means little