The Amani are NOT the good guys

Except, only one of those “ancient enemies” keeps instigating conflicts in the region and letting evil corruptive forces run rampant without doing anything, and it’s not the High Elves.

Can’t be that important to the Amani. They ABANDONED the place and left it to rot for hundreds of years

It absolutely can. Different people and cultures can revere things in different ways. I know that might be hard for you to understand. Though we don’t actually know what their precise interactions were with it beyond it consisted of ruins and they were hallowed sacred ground.


And if you “revere” something, it means you respect it.

Considering how Zul’jin tried to burn down Silvermoon/Quel’Danas with Doomhammer’s help and then let the Scourge basically do whatever they wanted and get away with it, it doesn’t seem like Zul’jin and the modern Amani “cared” that much anymore for their “”“sacred ground”“”.

Burning down everything with dragonfire sure is a weird way to “revere” something. :rofl:

Didn’t the Sylvanas novel have a bit where one of the Windrunners (their mother, maybe?) was going out to hunt trolls and one of the others was asking if they could bring back some ears as souvenirs?


Do you see any ancient Troll ruins in Silver Moon City or Quel’danas? The elves already destroyed them. The High Elves didn’t preserve that stuff for thousands of years, they built on them.


If you abandon something, you loose the right to say it was sacred if someone else moves it

If it was that sacred, the trolls wouldnt have abandoned it begin with

The blood elves did a lot of wrong, but so did the Amani.

And what says they abandoned it. Do they have to build a mall in their sacred ruins to retain rights? That’s ridiculous.

There’s no question it was sacred, we have outside sources of that.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. Even if there were some ruins that the High Elves destroyed (headcanon), it still doesn’t justify Zul’jin and Doomhammer trying to destroy Silvermoon.

The only “right” is right of conquest. Might makes Right. That’s reality.

Your stance is very naive and idealistic and no one will follow it, because that’s not how reality works.

The same “might makes right” that allowed the trolls to build their empires upon the fallen insectoid empires.

I’ll put it in simpler terms than

The Amani picked a fight. And they lost.

Headcanon? We’re told the High Elves built on them.

By this logic, invading in the Second War was fine. They were just trying to enforce might, lol. Morality for someone who has never had hardship.

Well that’s not simpler terms, those are entirely different ones from what we were discussing.


And the trolls built their empires by crushing the Aqir. Not really that difficult to see the similarities, history repeating itself, and that the only right that people care about is given by might.

From Doomhammer’s perspective, it was.

From Doomhammer’s perspective, it was necessary to invade the northern kingdoms as they would (rightfully) seek vengeance for fallen Stormwind.

And from the kingdom’s perspective, Doomhammer was a usurper who destroyed Stormwind and presumed to rule over its ruins, like a pretender.

If Doomhammer won the Second War and established himself as new ruler of Lordaeron, I would acknowledge his right by conquest to rule over Lordaeron; just as I would acknowledge the survivors’ wish to reclaim Lordaeron.

And I do acknowledge that the Amani should seek vengeance against the elves, but let’s not act like they have some kind of predestined “right” to reclaiming a land they lost 6,800 years ago, as if the world cares about anything but strength. Pure copium and nothing more.

Spoken like a true idealist. :rofl:

The world isn’t run on morality. How do you think kingdoms and empires were formed? By asking nicely?

In fact, do you think the trolls built their empires by asking nicely to the Aqir? :rofl:

The novel is filled with this. There’s another part of the story earlier on when they talk about their victory in the troll wars.

In a few weeks’ time, the Remembrance, the anniversary of the final battle in the Troll Wars, would be celebrated. Anasterian Sunstrider, wielding the powerful, magical blade Felo’melorn, had slaughtered so many trolls that it was said that a tide of blood crested the walls of Zul’Aman.
Page 55.

The Elves enjoy killing the Amani just as much as the Amani enjoy killing them. They’re a match made in hell, the Elves are just more “refined” about that bloodlust.


The Amani literally started the war.

Talk about victim blaming. :rofl:

And why do you bring it up? You’ve already established you don’t care about people having rights.

And we live in an age where we should try to be better than the slavers who came before us. I don’t lie, cheat, or steal because that’s wrong. By might, people should just do whatever they can get away with. You can live that scum lifestyle if you want, not for me.

Because if the High Elves don’t have any rights due to having invaded the region (even though that’s clearly not how the real world works), then the same applies to the amani imperialists (reminder that it’s an empire), so they don’t have rights to that region either.

Stop trying to turn Warcraft into 2024 America.

Are you a Millennial by any chance? :rofl:

Whut? I never said Warcraft can’t have bad people in it. Infact it should have bad people, lol. It’s be a very boring story if everyone was good or had clean hands.

You’re the one saying “how the real world works”.

Except you only believe in might so doesn’t matter.

I mean if any non-void Aqir want to make diplomatic overtures, I’d say they are welcome to. We don’t really see any about. The Aqir haven’t been in that region for thousands of years.

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You want Azeroth to have any other right besides “might makes right”.

That is a problem.

Wrong: the WORLD only believes in might, Azeroth too.

Does anyone in-universe ever bring up any “right” of the Amani? That’s what I thought.

Oh, don’t worry, they’ll return to Zul Aman soon enough. :grin:

I didn’t propose any changes. I just analyzed the situation.

That’s observably incorrect. I don’t know what unfortunate country you live in where you don’t get any rights.

Yeah, the Trolls do it all the time.

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Why do people insist on talking about the real world? As much as I disagree with him, he said the people within AZEROTH believe in might makes right.

Lets try to keep it to the game

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