The Amani are NOT the good guys

All land is Void Space, They just want a return to the peace and quiet of nonexistence.

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All land is troll land. The humans and high elves must be eradicated.

This land was made for you and me.


Ah thank you.

At the moment the lore is that they did not help Arthas, and a significant amount of forest trolls fell to the scourge as well when they marched through Quel’thalas. After the fall of Quel’thalas the Amani saw an opportunity to send what forces they could muster towards the sunwell to finally get a win over the elves, but the force was pretty much immediately killed the moment they landed on the shore by the blast of the corrupted Sunwell.

Not quite, the Aqir empire was stated to have lived on the western side of Kalimdor during the troll Aqir war, and the general kith’ix awoke from the zandalar mountains. The remains of it also exist at either the western side of the world or around the middle (Northrend, Pandaria, and Silithus).
It’s stated that the Amani hunted down those fleeing into the east. and they would then build their capital where Kith’ix fell. So from what we know the bugs did not live there first.
It’s also different to take land from a group that lived in place continuously and claim the land, compared to moving into empty land and then having an unknown group (to the settlers) come back thousands of years later trying to take over.


That’s because it’s never wrong to drive out colonisers. Especially to the elves who came in, pushed them out and then started a genocide for like 5k years.

Yeah that isnt great by like elf/human standards- but for trolls its par for the course in their culture. it also shows how its a group that is both right and wrong, which i’d say is more interesting than just “oh what a nice bunch of trolls”

Also the scarlets…hmmm nah dont agree with that, i think the only thing they have in common is a more interesting concept compared to other world building elements


I mean have a story where Silvermoon pays reparations to the Amani and cedes land to them as an apology… couldnt hurt


Scarlets are a subsect of humans, amani are a subsect of trolls, I hardly see how they are compareable when its the scarlet criticizing other sub species for lack of self segregation, amani just want to be free to do as they please despite being turned away from anything and everything they’ve ever come into contact with. Thunder god is a generous memory.

Amani accomplishments are cannibalism and ritual sacrifice, and they kept that practices long after the Hakkar incident. The High Elves at least learned their lesson from the sundering, built runestones to ward the Burning Legion off and turned Quel’Thalas into an enchanted garden forest paradise with friendly treant gardeners and helpful enchanted broomsticks. And they lived in peace for thousands of years till the destruction of the Sunwell. Nobody can convince me Quel’Thalas would be better off under Troll rule.

Have a story where the Orcs have to pay reparations to the pig people whose land they invaded and cede land to them. Orcs have an affinity for pigs, after all.

How exactly do mere cultural practices compare with literally destroying the planet

Well yes. Colonialism always bad. What the Orcs did to the Quilboars was bad, what the Kul Tirans did to the Drusts was bad, what the Bael’dun Dwarves did to the Stonespire was bad, and so what the High Elves did to the Amani was bad

I’m actually super uncomfortable with how the “mob races” like Quilboars Gnolls and Harpies being genocided and forced out of their lands by PC races is never even flagged as morally questionable by the game


Notice how I said “summoning the Burning Legion”, not the Sundering. Because technically the Sundering wasn’t the Highborne’s fault. It was Malfurion channeling the Dragonsoul, which caused the Well to explode.

Now you’re just doing reductio ad absurdum. The Old Gods are the original inhabitants of Azeroth, till the evil terraforming space invaders came, right? Meaning the Trolls were wrong for fighting against the Black Empire and you should give it all up.

The lands now inhabited by Elves haven’t been inhabited by Trolls for thousands of years. The timespans make every claim seem ridiculous.


Was a direct consequence of the Highborne’s actions. I’m pretty certain the Great Sundering is intended to be the understood as the indelible mark of the Highborne’s folly and thirst for power

They’re not. The Elementals are.
And yes the “ordering” thing Titans do to planets in general is, by all accounts, a bit questionable. I think Chronicles showed that quite well, even though it is supposed to be written from a Titan perspective


Hold on. Would it be fair to count elementals as Titan creations, since they appeared due to the influence of the Titan world soul in the planet?

Edit: Looked it up and apparantly nobody knows how tf elementals came to Azeroth. It’s not specified if they came before, after or with the world soul.

They didn’t. Elementals are more likely to take on physical forms when the Spirit element resources of the planet are scarce, which might be caused by the presence of a World Soul gobbling it up, but they are by no means created by the presence of a World Soul. Actually, even planets without a World Soul can have Humanoid Elementals (see Draenor furies)

We do know though. They’re the first lifeforms that came to be when shards of Light pierced through the Great Dark Beyond up to the various planets


Huh, interesting.


Planets like Draenor, who have a overabunance of SPIRIT will form elementals and other natural creatures on their own. It’s a pretty neat concept and one of the few lore tidbits that I like.

Than again, Draenor also happens to be titan touched. Aggramar created Grond to fight the sporemounds and that eventually lead to all the creatures we would meet in WoD, plus the Orcs, ogres, etc.

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Yeah that’s actually a good idea, the orcs took the Quillboar’s land and then tried to wipe them out. Its old fantasy writing that can always be fixed.

“peace”? you mean how they’d collect elf ears as trophies while they still killed the Amani who just wanted their home back? just because they’re isolationist xenophobes doesn’t make them better?


Yeah, do that while the Blood Elves keep all their land, because unlike the Orcs they didn’t arrive like a minute ago.

That’s an interetsing piece of alternative lore right here.

How many Troll x other race couples do you know? I can name a few Elf x other race couples.

You are not using the windrunner sisters as a way to hand wave the rest of their race XD


It’s amazing to me that Gnomes, Ogres, Tol’vir and Kobolds are all cousins. Makes up for colourful family reunions LMAO


Gnomes be like *Why am I related to the dumb ones?! :dracthyr_hehe: