The Amani are NOT the good guys

No, Bob painted happy little trees. He didn’t get to vote.

Bob is a hack who complies with the political views of Baine and Thrall. He doesn’T care about the Horde.

No, Bob is a painter from PBS.


So were the Night Elves, but no one ever says they deserved to lose their land.

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Except, the Night Elves are the blessed favoured of the Moon Goddess, Elune, who is the most powerful entity in the Cosmos, and who holds the Night Elves in a special and high regard. So they were entitled to dominate the world and ensure that the dark and backwater places of the world, that worship false idols, are kept under watch.

By your logic, the Light is a false idol.

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Except, Elune and the Light are clearly connected, so No.

Need I remind you that the Tears of Elune unlocked the core of Prime Naaru Xe’ra??

Yet Night Elves don’t worship the Light so it must be a false idol.

I will not continue this pointless digression with someone who argues in bad faith.

The Night Elves were entitled by their special birthright to conquer the world, while the Amani are the villains of the story.

It is a simple story to understand…

only pretty people have the right to territorial integrity according to many here


It’s messed up. But it’s called Pretty Privilege for a reason.

On a serious note, the whole notion that someone has the right to steal land or resources from another because the other group happens to worship the wrong god(s) is a wrong.

Christians were fond of using that excuse when North and South America was discovered by the Europeans


The only religion worth following in WoW is the Krokul’s worship of Brox anyway.


Brox is the man. Only dude who can say he made a mountain of corpses out of demons and scratched Sargeras before dying.

Should be more statues to the guy


Because the Night Elves stopped being so hostile after the situation was explained.

Also, some people absolutely say Night Elves should lose their lands.

Except this isn’t as simple as you make it to be. The Trolls started attacking the High Elves before they ever reached the “sacred ruins”.

The High Elves were in basically wilderness. Land the Armani neither used nor controlled. You can say “those are out lands” all you want, but so can anyone else.

Now I think it is one of those positions where both sides have points. But the idea that the Armani were “victims” doesn’t work for me.

Why are we resurrecting ancient threads to whine about the Amani not being able to commit genocide on the elves?

“we had to commit genocide on the natives to prevent them from doing it to us”


And the alternative being The refugees who were minding their own business should have just rolled over and let the trolls massacre them is better how?

My issue is not with the initial settlements, its with the massive expansion campaigns done later. Especially since the Helves are the only ones who really didn’t have any other option once they plopped the sunwell down. Tirisfal was not Troll land, nor was the Badlands area the dwarves and gnomes popped out of.

Its one thing to unknowingly settle on inhabited land, its another to wipe out an entire civilization for not being cool with that.

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The elves never even tried to commit genocide on the trolls. They defended themselves against the trolls on numerous occasions. The trolls were always the aggressors. Every single time.