The Amani are NOT the good guys

And what do you think was holding up the seal before the ziggurat was built? The air?

It’s older than the trolls, again, I am not dealing with your fan fiction. Come back to me when you want to discuss the lore, not what you think happened.

The seal goes deep through the stonework which was built around it.

Ancient times

On primordial Kalimdor, a series of peaks and plateaus located in the southern part of the continent was home to many Wild Gods. Due to their reverence for these beings, which they called “loa”, the early trolls settled on the holy mountain range and gave it the name “Zandalar”, building small encampments upon its slopes. The most powerful group of trolls was called the Zandalar tribe. Its members claimed nearly all of Zandalar’s tallest plateaus, believing them to be sacred ground. Atop the highest peaks they built a small cluster of crude shrines, which over time grew into a bustling temple city known as Zuldazar.[10]

^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1

Trolls built the ziggurat.
Enjoy being wrong.

Do you, or you do not accept the fact the titan facilities on Zandalar are older than the empire itself?

(I’ll give you the ziggurat part though)

I do.
The ziggurrat is not one of them. It was built around the seal.

Good, than we can move on to a more productive conversation than

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The people will get rid of her soon enough since she defies the will of the people.

That is exactly what she is. For making peace with the enemy that has just sacked your Home 5 minutes ago. Rastakhan was strong and fought to the death no matter what.

Rakastan was a fool who let the blood trolls go unchecked. He was a lousy and weak king in the end

(And I think he was a cool character. But he wasn’t a very good king towards the end of his reign)

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He defeated Zul and put the Horde in their place. Also the Horde failed to catch Jaina. They deserve no credit.

With the inclusion of the Zandalari Empire into the horde and creation of a horde council, I can see the possibility of inclusion of some level of ‘land rights’ recognition for Amani trolls within the Blood Elf territories. Including reconciliation councils between the two groups.


The palace was made by the titans but the Zanchul pyramid was built by the trolls themselves.

Or they grow a spine and aid them to make the blood elves return the Ghostlands to them.

You can’t make demands if you’re the loser, it’s that easy. The Horde crushed the combined might of Zandalar and the Amani in Cataclysm, and now both are too weak to make demands.


Nowhere in the section you posted does it say what they specifically built versus what may have been there.

Its like the xxxx conflict in real life. There is no correct answer aside from a two-state compromise from both sides and the enforcement of that treaty by external powers to stop certain groups in both sides from destroying the new status-quo

The Amani should and must live in their lands, i draw an imaginary line from Farstrider retreat to Farstrider Enclave, they should be somehow compensated by the Blood Elves.

The Horde should help the Amani to deal with the new status-quo and to enforce peace in the region. Over the years the two races should be able to live together.



They’re at war with them, and have been at war with them since TBC. And to assume the Blood Elves would accept such a deal is absurd.


Why should the Horde assist the Amani? Besides, after the Troll Wars the Elves have never even attempted to conquer and/or otherwise destroy the lands the Amani held in Eversong Woods & The Ghostlands, before and after they all called themselves High Elves. If the elves really wanted to push the trolls out of Quel’thalas, they could have done so in Cataclysm after the death of Daakara, but they do not. They don’t even try to install a puppet warlord, they immediately leave Zul’aman after Daakara is killed. The Blood Elves are not the remorseless and wicked oppressing villains some people depict them as, they’re not seeking to “oppress” the Amani, they’ve quite literally never done so. If they were, we wouldn’t see troll huts and villages in the Ghostlands or Eversong Woods. The trolls would simply be dead, and there would be no troll buildings left.

And yes, the Horde and the Amani are at war. They’re not even hated by just the Blood Elves, the Darkspear hate them too and even mock their choice of worship.

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If people so desire to play Forest Trolls, I’d rather they play Revantusk Trolls and get a new starting zone in the Hinterlands where they don’t hurt anybody. The Blood Elves deserve a complete restoration of their homeland, instead of diluting their identity even more.


Maybe it is just me, helping the Amani would feel like an bleh story imo. It isn’t like they’ve extended some cooperation ever like the Zandalari and Darkspear.

The Revantusk are an incredibly underrated forest troll tribe. And yeah, Belves should get their homeland completely restored.

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Blood elves started hostilities by invading Troll land, they should be able to reach a compromise with the Amani.

Different groups of people have achieved such degree of cooperation irl, why not in a fantasy videogame?

There is no formal declaration of war amongst the Horde and the Amani, we can talk about the status of the conflict after Cata as “Status quo ante bellum”.

And the Zandalari are in the Horde and they are not at war with the Amani. There is no war amongst these groups. Hostility is not war.

Blood elves can retake their lands and Forest Trolls can live in their current territories, the only difference to the current situation is that the Horde will gain a new ally.

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It isn’t a hostility to accidentally wander onto someone’s land upon which time the Trolls attacked without communication.