The Amani are NOT the good guys

Amani coulda been cool. Honestly Zul’jin has a sick design, its a shame to see him in something like HotS when he’s just a loot pinata in WoW. Wish he had just joined with the Horde and worked something out with the Belves.

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Zandalari are by no mean the greatest troll nation. Not any more. After the alliance destroyed their fleet and depleted their army. Amani and Gurubashi are the greatest tribes still.

The Amani and Gurubashi are living in ruins :rofl:

The Zandalari have a whole damn nation and ships and their army can be rebuilt

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Those tribes are jokes. You literally bully them around for funsies as quests in Zandalar.


No they can’t. Zandalari are done. Talanji got bullied by the Horde council into submission of peace.

really…the Gurubashi, which are practically extinct and overshadowed by the little tribe that they used to bully

No. She didn’t. She realized that going to war with Kul’tiras shortly after what just happened on Zandalar would be suicide.

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you could probably fit the amount of actual Amani tribesmen left into a single city,
which they did

She is a traitor to her people and chose appeasement over justice. Her links to the Horde makes her weak. If she had any sense of leadership she would had bailed on the Horde the minute Baine and Thrall tried to talk her out of pursuing revenge for Rastakhan.

The Amani worship a possible Old God, Ula-Tek, which basically makes them Silithid.

Is Ula-Tek canon? Last I recall, it’s status wasn’t entirely clear.


Shrine of Ula-Tek still exists in Eastern Plaguelands, as far as I know. I could be wrong tho.

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XD ah yes, joining one of Azeroth’s 2 superpowers makes you weak…
without the Horde, Zandalar would’ve fallen to the Nazmani. The Blood Trolls would’ve won.
“Traitor”, are you high? she saved them.

Smart leaders like Taljani, know when a battle is lost before it’s even started. She made the RIGHT move by not going after Jaina and the Kul’tirans so soon after the Fourth War ended. Right after both sides signed a armistice no less.

She’s not weak. You just don’t like her, that’s the difference


Where in EPL? The only Ula-Tek stuff I know is all from the RPG.


Are you saying that titans are incapable of learning new information??

lol. lmao.

Looks at titan built ziggurat that predates the trolls, than at Dread

Okay. Sure, believe what you want about a titan facility that predates the Zandalari Empire.

It doesn’t. We’ve went over this. The trolls built the ziggurrat. I even cited the source.
Why are you lying like this? You don’t actually gain anything from it. It’s pathological.

The titan facilities on Zandalar are older than the troll empire.

When you want to discuss the LORE and not your fan fiction, than reply to me. Not entertaining your pathological nonsense any longer

The ziggurrat isn’t one of them.
The seal is.