The Amani are quite right when they say Silvermoon was once sacred troll land, but what people forget is that the High Elves didn’t even know it was troll land to begin with and they never moved into Quel’thalas with the deliberate and explicit intent to attack the Amani Empire, they only moved into Quel’thalas because living in Tirisfal was driving them insane, and they’ve fought the High Elves with the explicit intent of genociding/destroying them in addition to retaking their homelands, when the Quel’dorei & Sin’dorei, despite common belief do have a code of honor: they place themselves firmly above the Trolls in what they are willing to do. If you want proof, look no further than their quests in TBC: They are framed around the specific goal of either retailiating against the Amani for their encroachment into Eversong Woods & weakening them to the point they can focus their full attention on the Scourge in the Ghostlands.
Hell, the elves never even invaded Zul’aman. in TBC you go in there with treasure hunters and in Cata, the Darkspear did in an effort to kill Daakara so that the Zandalari couldn’t rule over the Amani. The one time Zul’aman actually got invaded, it was for a specific purpose and they immediately dipped after they were done, leaving the city for the Amani forest trolls. By no means are the Amani poor victims or entirely innocent, there is just as much blood on their hands as the High Elves, and later, the Blood Elves. Arguably, there is far more.
Retaking a homeland is a good goal, there is nothing inherently wrong with the Amani’s stated goal, but their actions?
The Amani:
-They’ve sought to genocide not one but two races; Humanity and Elvenkind. (Genocide, attempted genocide or desired genocide is indefensible.)
-They’ve kidnapped human & elven children and turned them into frogs. If you get the Amani Hex Stick in Zul’aman, you can use it on the Forest Frogs in the dungeon. They have a chance of being children. (Kidnapping children… yikes.)
-They’ve forcefully imprisoned and bound the spirits of their sacred loa into four Amani champions for little to no reason, and they didn’t even hesitate in the act either: Once Malacrass proposed the idea, Zul’jin gave his immediate full support. (Let’s be real; The Amani were not driven to desperation. Quel’thalas was in the dump when Zul’jin made his move, and the Scourge largely ignored the Amani. You can’t compare the Drakkari doing the same thing in Northrend with the Amani doing it in Quel’thalas. By no means are the Elves and the Scourge a comparable threat. One is a literal undead army capable of producing biological weapons (Scourge Plague, other various toxins), horrific monstrosities, and that thrived in psychological warfare, the other… are just elves. Compared to the absolute willingness of the Amani, the Drakkari actively regretted their deeds and took no pleasure in it at all.)
-Torture (Zul’jin had tortured multiple elves over the years in an effort to gain information regarding the runestones, as he believed they would have a key to subvert the magical defenses of the elves. He attempted to do this to Lor’themar Theron, but no luck.)
The elves are not entirely innocent, but by comparison, they have done far less.
The Quel’dorei:
-Establishing Silvermoon on top of land sacred to the trolls.
-Torture (Farstriders did it to Zul’jin, possible they might have done it to other trolls as well but i don’t know of any off the top of my head)
The Sin’dorei:
-They’ve poisoned Amani food and water supply, said poison given by a Forsaken Apothecary with the goal of getting the trolls off the Farstrider’s backs.
-Torture (Farstriders did it to Zul’jin, possible they might have done it to other trolls as well but i don’t know of any off the top of my head)
The Quel’dorei and later Sin’dorei have never launched a genocidal campaign with the deliberate intent of wiping out the Amani once and for all. The lore has never stated the Elves have ever done this or something similar to this. The Troll Wars firmly places on the Elves on the defensive, and it’s described as them essentially fighting for their lives, indeed; if the Elves never went to seek the aid of humanity, the Amani Empire would have won.
Perhaps the Amani would be in a better spot if they instead of seeking to restore the Empire to bring back the glories and legends of the past, looked and adapted to the future, much like what the Darkspear have done, and what the Revantusk forest trolls eventually did.