The Amani are NOT the good guys

He’s literally insane. Don’t bother.

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Yes, I thought it was well known in both the EU and US story forums. Which is why I usually don’t interact with him.

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And you cant kill hope…

Why is my face being gently turned…?


BURN IT! queue

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Oh snap I just read this…
Thats actually really upsetting :confused:

They do not care about anything else but Troll supremacy outside of the few exceptions I made note of. Again, I didn’t say that the living sacrifices and cannibalism are the only things that made them evil, I said that in addition to that they are single-mindedly supremacist and racist, even to their own kind. I used the example of the Darkspear and Revantusk to further illustrate that it is not only foreign invaders that earn the ire of the Troll society, but anyone deemed lesser. Prior to being defeated by Night elves, and even afterwards really, they had a long history of warring with each other. Their current position of living in ruins and small encampments is because they currently are not able to do more than that. Had they the ability, most Troll societies would gladly conquer the world as they sought to do ten thousand years ago. They have no intention of peacefully sharing the world with outsiders. Get enslaved like the goblins or be crushed underneath their empire. They explicitly tried to do this during Cataclysm.

Tangential to that is the cannibalism which is considered morally reprehensible for a lot of reasons. Mostly it is desecrating the dead without their consent, and in a world with actual spirits that might actually be a contentious issue that needs to be considered. It also generally horrifies people because it reminds them they are not a unified self but a collection of so many parts, meat and bone, just like any other animal. I think it’s also a bad move generally, because there are a lot of real world stereotypes associated with cannibalism and indigenous people which Trolls mainly draw inspiration from. Also leaving aside moral arguments, that’s just a good way to get prions running all through your society. Personally speaking I think Trolls should just practice funerary cannibalism and it is misunderstood by outsiders as being something Trolls engage in regularly. As it stands, it’s really just there to make them seem more cartoonishly evil so we can kill them off without feeling bad.

I’m not saying that deserved to be killed off for those things. As I said before, I wish that wasn’t the case at all and that things were less one dimensional. I’m not making any sort of value judgements at all really. I’m just saying that this isn’t a story where the heroes are the underdog Trolls.


Trolls are a entity that keep living in the past and think themselves outright superior(ironically just like Blood elves). They have dreams of an empire that hasn’t existed for thousands of years which simply fell apart primarily due to their own infighting.

Sure bad stuff happen to them in the past but ultimately no worse than had done to probably thousands of other cultures through out the years (pandaren/Humans) which has ultimately lead them to their current situation. They were overly aggressive to all other races outside the Mogu and tried to either kill or subjugate them which lead to these races eventually destroying them.

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Yeah I’m afraid he does. He was diagnosed about two years ago.


There are no good guys in this game. Firing the first shot does not justify having your land stolen, however. That’s literally international law.


The Amani will get their land back eventually I have no doubt. If “Justice for the Fallen.” actually means something in troll culture then I expect a huge wave of solidarity from the other tribes incoming.

most of the Troll tribes have been at war with each-other in some capacity since the Empire of Zul fell.
not helping that is the fact that the Darkspear/Blood Elves raided Zul’Aman in Cata.
The few Amani left alive have been confined to Tal’aman in Zuldazar, now entirely subservient to the Zandalari,
and of course the Zandalari are now Horde.

the Amani’s best option for surival is to sit down and shut up before the Zandalari pay the Horde to kill all their champions again to “remind them of their place”.
cause the other trolls certainly aren’t in any kind of hurry to go to war with the Horde rn


The Amani’s current predicament is entirely their own fault. They’ve consistently tossed themselves into the meatgrinder again and again, for little to no gain.

They should look to the future instead of the past, and adapt with the present like the Darkspear have done.


The Darkspear were bullied into submissons by humans and Gurubashi and now only control a tiny strip of land at the coast of Durotar. Why should the Amani accept that basically colonizers took away their home? That is just irrational.

If they accept it or not is irrelevant, fact is, they can’t do anything about it.
The Amani hold even less land than the Darkspear, confined to a single section of Zuldazar without any true authority of their own.
Zul’Aman is a ruin, Eversong and the Ghostlands are ruled by the Blood Elves,
and no other troll tribe has the desire nor power to even attempt to change that.

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Well, the one troll nation that does have the power and means to, the Zandalari, haven’t bothered in centuries. The Amani should just accept what is.

Zul’Aman is still ruled by the Amani. Ghostlands is Scourge territory. And I will not stand idle and see another troll tribe erased. After Drakkari it was too much. Trolls deserve more support worldwide.

Let’s be honest, trolls in general are the worst.

they’ve also joined the Horde, shattering whatever chance there was left of the Amani becoming a major threat in the eastern kingdoms.


what do you mean you wont stand idle?
none of us have a say in what happens here

Which is my point. The Amani lost any shot at claiming their land, when the last and greatest of the troll nations joined the horde,

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