The Amani are NOT the good guys

Trolls are native coded. Like mayan americans. humans and elves however are clearley white. So it is easy to pick the right side. If you say the humans are the right race then you might aswell join the Klan.

I didn’t know all Humans are white.

Also I am glad murder is okay for the superior race.

Stormwind and pretty much every other human nation is this game are coded after your typical european medieval kingdom. It doesn’t get much whiter then that.

So are you saying people of color do not exist in Human nations?

But… the elves are devolved from trolls.

If claims are based on race, the elves technically have as much claim to the lands as the trolls have, they are both natives.

Claims aren’t based on race, rather on nation/faction/you name it. Following that race-based logic, Europeans would have as much claim to Africa as African nations because Homosapiens originated in Africa. We all agree that they don’t. That’s not what’s at stakes with the Amani/High Elves thing

No, the problem here was that the trolls were attacking indiscriminately, had their asses handed to them, and then they whined about it… well, the trolls themselves didn’t, but players who think they are somehow justified in their thoughtless attacks do.

The trolls and Kaldorei did the age old dance of empire. The established powers do not like an upstart disrupting the status quo and will try to undermine them, even if that means blatant attacks. It is just a matter of who is more advanced and has the better weapon. In this case, the Kaldorei did and so they won out every time the Kaldorei rolled out the big guns.

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The Trolls attacked the elves because they trespassed in their territory. Many empires have done that through history. You only defend them and the humans because you have a clear bias here. The Trolls did nothing wrong. Protecting your borders is self preservation.

Nah, no more of that please. I think we all made our points clear on this matter.

We both know the lore : the Highborne were banished from their home because they kept using the magic that had just provoked the War of the Ancients and, ultimately, the Sundering ; they traveled to the EK with the intention of building a nation in which they could practice their arts freely, and settled the lands, unaware that those belonged to the Amani ; the Trolls attacked them, the Elves retaliated, pressed forward in Amani lands, and built their kingdom on top of what happened to be ancient Amani ruins.

That’s the lore. You think it makes the Amani the bad guys ; I think it makes the Elves the bad guys. The lore is the same, it’s the interpretation one makes of it that differs.


Never forget this is what we lost.

The other Trolls hate them even more than Blood elves do.
hell even other Forest Trolls (Revantusk in this case) think they’re cringe

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No wonder the Zandalari gave up on them and let Horde players characters beat the crap out of them in Bfa, the Amani are a lost cause

Many people side with the trolls because it can be seen as Blizzard lionizing colonialism of indigenous people. This isn’t a bad stance to take. Unfortunately, I think these people are picking the wrong tree to bark up, because Trolls have always been shown to be nasty even to themselves, unrepentantly evil not just because of living sacrifices and cannibalism but an inherent amorality that only serves Troll supremacy. They’re only there for villain fodder, not for any sort of pathos or even intelligent writing.

I wish that wasn’t the case. I wish Trolls were not portrayed in this way and they were treated with a tactful approach and the relationship their various societies had with the outside world was more nuanced. But Trolls are just massive jerks except for the Zandalar, Revantusk, and Darkspear, and the latter two are only mellow because they used to be the whipping boys of the Amani and the Gurubashi respectively.


Hes getting worse. :grimacing:

He’s a known fascist. Incase you didn’t know. This is Normal for him

I think the fact that the Darkspear gave up (at least officially) on cannibalism only because it was a condition set by Thrall actually dissociates cannibalism from Evil in some way, since it means that the Good_Guys_Troll_tribe wouldn’t spontaneously consider cannibalism wrong. Also please define “inherent amorality”

The reason why I like the whole debate about the Amani is that it’s basically the community reappropriating the lore. It’s about looking at some old writing that was, for the most part, very black-and-white and Good vs Evil-driven, and saying : “Okay so this is how events unfolded in the lore. What do I think about it ? Do I actually think that this makes the Amani bloodthirsty villains ? Do I share the official source’s perspective on how things went ?”

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Humans are the original bad guy of this game. They need to be called out on that.

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Have you played this game before?
I feel like all the lore (you mostly get wrong) was just absorbed through osmosis.


Wait, you are telling me he actually has schizophrenia? That would explain alot of things.