The Amani are NOT the good guys

If you compare uldir and zul’dazar you will see strong paralells. Maybe its build around or…the main pyramide was there before the other places and the trolls adapt this kind of architecture, who knows, but the seal was earlier then the city

And titans builds all kinds of pyramids, or temple-buildings

Egyptian, norse, greek/rome, southamerica

The elves stonebuilding are often byzanz/middle east in origin.

Trolls are aztek/maya/inka all in one


Nope, those temples (In Zuldazar, Nazmir and Voldun) were built by the Titans. The Trolls merely inhabited them and then based their architectural style off of that pre-existing architecture. There’s literally a Titan watcher who confirms that those temples were built by the Titans.

Unless you’re seriously trying to tell people that the Trolls carved ‘troll’ designs into a constantly moving stone and metal ring.

And this is honestly fine. They’re not the first race to base their architecture off of civilizations that came before them. The Scourge based their architecture from the Nerubians, who had stolen their architectural designs from the Titans (specifically the Tol’vir who inhabited the region before the Nerubians attacked and wiped them out).

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Ancient times

On primordial Kalimdor, a series of peaks and plateaus located in the southern part of the continent was home to many Wild Gods. Due to their reverence for these beings, which they called “loa”, the early trolls settled on the holy mountain range and gave it the name “Zandalar”, building small encampments upon its slopes. The most powerful group of trolls was called the Zandalar tribe. Its members claimed nearly all of Zandalar’s tallest plateaus, believing them to be sacred ground. Atop the highest peaks they built a small cluster of crude shrines, which over time grew into a bustling temple city known as Zuldazar.[10]

Doesn’t change the fact that those three pyramids, Dazar’alor, Atul’Nazman and Atul’Aman were built by the Titans. Given that those pyramids, and Uldir, have what we’d associate as ‘troll’ designs carved into them, and we know the Titans built them before the Trolls arrived there, it’s clear that the trolls based their architectural designs off of the Titan structures that they found.

Which again, is fine, it’s not unusual for cultures to base their architecture off of civilizations that came before them.

Basically if an ancient architecture exists, it likely can be traced back to the Titans or the Titanforged. All the architecture in Pandaria for example can be traced back to the Mogu under Ra’den, who built many of the major structures in Pandaria, such as the Mogu’shan Vaults and the Mogu’shan Palace. The Pandaren who came later, based their architecture off of what the Mogu either built themselves or made them build during the period when the Pandaren were slaves to the Mogu.


Specifically, the pyramidal Great Seals were titan Watcher-made, to contain G’huun inside of Uldir. It’s unclear if any titan Keepers were involved, and if so, which one(s). The rest of the pyramidal tiers of Dazar’alor would be troll-built though.

The exact timing of their construction is uncertain; while the trolls came to Zuldazar long after the Great Seal was made, they originated in Nazmir, so it’s possible that the original troll civilization there existed at the time of G’huun’s creation and the making of the Seals to contain it. So theoretically the early trolls might have been present nearby when the Seal at Atul’Nazman was built, before Dazar led them out of the swamps, seemingly to escape corruption that had begun to escape. Ra didn’t seem to know about Uldir or the Chamber of Heart, so it’s possible those two places were both built some time after the other “main” titan facilities were and without the awareness of all of the Keepers, and likely the three Great Seals would have been built at some point after Uldir itself was to contain the outbreak of G’huun’s corruption.


Except that they weren’t. It clearly states the trolls built Dazar’Alor. Only the seal was Titan-craft.

Ancient history

The glorious city of gold was founded by the King Dazar after the exodus of his people out of the muck and mire of Nazmir.[1]

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So you’re telling me the trolls carved all their designs into a constantly moving stone and metal disc then? Because the disc is literally covered in their designs.

They must be insane craftsmen to accomplish that task. Even we mortals with our advanced technology can’t do that yet.

Also wowpedia clearly states that all three of those pyramids were titan-made.

The cities around the pyramids were probably troll built. Not contesting that, but the pyramids themselves? Titan made.

Also, fun fact. Look at this image:

This is Titan Keeper Hezrel. Notice that he has been built in a way very reminiscent of Troll culture. Large headdress, bare chest, lots of gold. And yet, Hezrel was built a long time before the Trolls moved into that area…


Blizzard: #RuleofCool for 20+ years
Carhagen: rule of cool does not exist.
Also Carhagen: Blizzard does not use the rule of cool.
Carhagen too, Electric Boogalo: Blizzard doesn’t know what the Rule of Cool is.

Ahh, so you’re invoking Rule of Cool when there’s no actual evidence of Rule of Cool being invoked, but there is written and in-game evidence showing that those Pyramids were Titan-made. Okay… sure.


I guess that if the elite of a society had to drop their privileges overnight, they would not find the transition pleasant, yes ; but if those privileges had just destroyed the world, I do think that it’s their sacred duty to shut up, adapt, and thank the lower castes for graciously allowing them to even remain a part of their society despite everything. How hard and unpleasant it is for them to drastically change the way they live is dwarved by the enormity of what they inflicted on the world. If the lower castes can live just fine without the arcane, then so can they (the withdrawal thing is a different issue) ; similarly, if humans could live just fine without electricity and internet up until the past few decades, then so can we. It’s up to us to adapt.

Again though, for what that’s worth, I’m part of the “people who have lost faith in humanity’s capability to regulate itself”, so safe to say my bias is fairly strong here

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“The Titans created a seal to contain G’huun”
“And the rotating seal is within the upper part of a pyramid, whose layout faces Uldir
“It is therefore obvious that the pyramid is of Titan origin just like other pyramid structures, like the buried pyramid of Atul’aman. They were made to contain the discs, and it’s obvious that the Trolls mimicked the aesthetics of Titan watchers in Zandalar.”
“No, they built the entire structure around the seal, and the aesthetics are just rule of cool”


Treng: “The seal isn’t made of stone?”
Trolls deserved genocide party: “No.”
Treng: “And neither are any of the actual Titan facilities in Zandalar?”
Trolls deserved genocide party: “Correct.”
Treng: “And Uldir is metal and doesn’t look anything like Dazar’Alor?”
Trolls deserved genocide party: “Yes.”
Treng: “So you agree that the trolls built stone zigurrats around the seals?”
Trolls deserved genocide party: “NO THE TITANS BUILT EVERYTHING.”

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So explain how Titan Keeper Hezrel, who’s been inactive so long that the Trolls who originally settled in Nazmir thought him to be a broken statue, knows the name of the Pyramids in all three locations.

If the Trolls built the pyramids, then Hezrel cannot know the names, because Hezrel and the other Titan Keepers would have been inactive when they were built. But he does know the names, which means the pyramids were built and named before he shut down. Which was before the Trolls arrived in Nazmir.


“No, because stones”

You know, this is one of those situations, where it’s OKAY that something is older than the trolls and their empires.

Trolls, much like every culture, real or in game, adapted their architecture from what was already there. Were there likely troll like creatures there when the titans built those places? Sure, it would explain why the the pyramids have troll like symbols all over them.

But that’s just my take. :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_nod:



There’s nothing bad with the Trolls having found an area that had buildings already there, and choosing to adopt the architecture (and by the look of it, language as well) to create their own culture. This is something that so many civilizations in the real world have done already and it has worked for them, and it is what the various civilizations in WoW have done as well. Taken what already existed and built their own thing with or around it.


It’s just Rule of Cool.
But also, poor blizzard plot writing?

This isn’t new.

Metzen forgot that Sargeras was corrupto by the Eredar between WC3 and TBC.
Blizzard forgot that Baine was supposed to be Horde between cataclysm and now.
Danuser forgot that if you kill an undead body in Maldraxxus it won’t kill them between Shadowlands and Shadowlands.

The Seal is older.
I’m not saying it isn’t.
I’m saying the Zigurrat wasn’t made by Titans, cause we have sources stating the trolls built it.

And you have been proven wrong, for the reasons given above. None of the sources say that the pyramid was built by the Trolls. All evidence supports the claim that the ziggurat is a Titan pyramid to contain the seal, and some of the structures around it were added later by Trolls, mimicking Titan aesthetics.

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If that was the case, than Hezel the titan watcher would not know the name of said ziggurat/pyramid. Which he does and he even knows the systems that run them. Which again, PREDATES the trolls.


Dreadmoore also wants us to believe that the Trolls removed the disc built the pyramid and then inserted the seal on the upper half of the pyramid, facing Uldir by mere accident.