The Amani are NOT the good guys

Elementals were here first.

Everyone else needs to go. They are all on elemental land. Or water. Or air. Or fire. :slight_smile:


But we need all those elements to live!! Runs off flailing while being chased by elemental lords


inside the night elf borders lived multiple races, like highmountain tauren, dwarfs, vyrkuls during their huge empire…i don´t beliefe one single amani tribe would have made a difference…if this tribe but starts to make trouble, then yes, for sure.

first and foremost, they were trolls…i mean, the entire “Elf-Troll-hatred” is mostly onesided…in case of the night elves atleast, most of the time, they tollerate them, they even accepted the dark trolls to life on hyjal for milenias to come.


Oh my, what a conundrum!

Hmm… perhaps we might find a way to… how do you say- coexist? Different beings living together on the same world…

Is it, perhaps, possible?


Isn’t it often the case with tyrants though ? I think Garrosh was a good character and it was interesting understanding what led him to become what he was but…

That’s true, but I believe it’s mostly due to how insanely bad her writing in BfA was, and also how inherently BS-friendly the Jailer and soul split things were. I find her way easier to sympathize with than Garrosh because she was basically controlled and fooled from start to finish. Garrosh’s character development was way smarter and infinitely more interesting, but the final product is still an Orcish supremacist who acted in full command and literally introduced hardcore institutional racism into a faction that’s based on multiracialism.

And yet it would be way more fitting to the principle of this game, that is to say faction conflicts and offering a variety of different but ultimately all valid perspectives.

On the subject of High Elves : you guys put forward the fact that they didn’t know those lands were already claimed by natives. Fine. But then they got raided by the Trolls for their intrusion, so they quickly understood that it was actually not free for the taking, deserted land. They could have left and settled somewhere else ; they didn’t and fought the natives back in order to claim the lands for themselves. That is where the “poor old High Elven settlers” trope stops working. Although to be honest, it never worked in the first place, considering that the only reason why they came to the EK was that they were childish enough to refuse giving up on their Highborne arcane privileges that had just led to the shattering of the world (a shattering that had already robbed the Troll empires of a good chunk of their lands, by the way).

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I would like to think we could…you know…co-exist with a little less violence thrown in there. I get that tensions sometimes spill over and people fight for arbitrary reasons…

But you know….no reason to mass murder each other for every perceived insult or difference in culture.

(This is my more serious response)


Or they were hoping to go somewhere else and was hoping where ever they ended up was OUTSIDE said territory. They couldnt go back because you know, Old God corruption. No choice but to keep moving forward.

I would like that too.

Very much seriously.


tears well up in Gurdakars eyes

I like you all, everybody. Have a nice day. Free hugs, everyone. Free hugs. :dracthyr_heart:


Being serious now though? It’s honestly why I adore the data mined stuff with the orc mother teaching her daughter common and certain human phrases, and same goes for the human mom teaching her kid orc phrases.

We need MORE of that, instead of this pointless bickering over lore, that really is puddle deep when you stop to actually think on it.

Super serious comment by the way

Imagine a world where the Troll can take back their place as rightful rulers of Azeroth. That is my dream.

Oh yeah I had forgotten about that. They did spend several years living in Tirisfal Glades though, so it’s not like they couldn’t just pass through and move southwards


I think building up a more organized troll base would do wonders to expand the world somewhat more. They seemed to start doing that with BfA, by having the Zandalari be at the top of this sort of greater troll tribe community, and then they… didn’t do much more with it. It would be nice to not have the whole world revolve around the Horde and the Alliance and instead showcase other powerful, worldspanning groups that have their own struggles and communities.

The Horde and Alliance can still be the big dogs, so to speak, but often it’s portrayed as if that’s all there is, outside of the Traveller books anyway. We only see glimpses of this larger world that doesn’t revolve around the factions, like in island expeditions.



I similarly enjoyed this!

There is so much potential to explore different types of interactions between factions rather than just hating and killing each other. Sure, there’s always been peacekeepers, but I’d love to see the factions coming together to create these fun and ultimately far less hateful interactions. Especially since it would (hopefully) cause fewer accusations and insults being thrown around by the community toward other people.


They wandered in the direction in which the voices that drove their people mad became quieter, and that was apparently northward rather than southward.

Well yeah, they moved northwards and settled the lands that they found to be the most convenient.
… But those were claimed.

Of course the High Elves were in a tough position in the EK, so they did what was best for themselves. I’m certain that was the right thing to do from their perspective, as was what the Amani did from their perspective. Again, it’s not about saying the High Elves are absolute monsters, it’s about valuing the fact that the Amani weren’t neither and tempering the morally black depiction the game makes of them. It is the asymmetry between how the two are treated that triggers the sympathy towards the Amani.


The elves should have stayed in Kalimdor. That is where they belong. The Eastern Kingdoms already belonged to other people. Lordaeron to the Amani. The middle to the Frostmane. And the south to the Gurubashi and Gnoll Tribes.

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Actually, yeah. Simple as that.

They were banished from it. Secondly, lmao, the hubris of Trolls who live on a Titan, a person with a name and a soul, fighting against Titan races while living in Titan pyramids.

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Because they had refused giving up on wielding arcane magic. They relished being banished.