The Amani are NOT the good guys

the night elves didn´t attack on side, it was after they obsevered the entire situation, the warsongs indeed attacked the alliance…and suprised them and they fought against each other. (The alliance i mean the refugees of Jaina)

Stop defending evil colonizers.

In other words, claiming metric tons of resources to feed the recently established mother colony.

sht your …dumb MOUTH…you have no idea what colonialism even means and wrote only stupid af crap…The dynamic is colonialism was to RULE over the native people living in foreign country…by economy dominance, military dominance…the elves never wanted to RULE over the amani.

it was first an expedition, but after the amani attacked and the elves noticed this land was not so abbandon as they thought it was…you could call it a “conquest”; something the amani did aswell…the amani were not born and “ruled” over land…they claimed and conquered their land aswell…a few thousand years earlier…they originated from zandalari and were not native to the "EK"´s…(but to the ancient kalimdor)

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They didn’t drink demon blood until a god literally forced their hand.
The Night Elves were dumb and played right into the Legion’s plans.


Stealing the land of another race and build your own settlements on it after driving the native population out is exactly what colonialism means. The elves did it. The humans did it. The dwarfs did it. No single alliance race is not guilty.

Purely objectively speaking, Orcs are colonizers, not just once, but twice. First when they came out of the Dark Portal, then when they travelled to Kalimdor. The Warcraft 3 bonus mission for Durotar was called “To tame a land”. In a sense, the colonialist fantasy fits the Orcs more than the Elves.

The trolls did it aswell…i mean…zandalar? Is litteraly build upon a titan facility :wink:

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Durotar didn’t even exist then. What colony lol.

All races are guilty.

Except for gnomes.

But that’s a whole other can of worms.

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The resources were needed to establish the outpost that would become Orgrimmar.

Gnomes used to be servants of Mimiron. They didn’t leave Ulduar until the curse of flesh affected them.

The Warsong Clan moved into Ashenvale to explicitly harvest lumber for the New Horde, not to wage war against the Night Elves who they didn’t even know existed. Grom’s a hothead and had prior to Ashenvale deliberately defied Thrall’s orders to not attack the humans. Possible that he might have sought conflict.

However, he didn’t. Conflict was brought to him: The Kaldorei had attacked him first, and not long after them Cenarius came: If he didn’t want to die to them, he was drinking that blood.


The New Horde are by no means “colonizers”, the “colonialist fantasy” does not fit them.

The Gnomes, Dwarves and Humans should invade Zuldazar and reclaim Nazmir, since it’s a titan facility. The disc at the heart of the pyramid of Dazar’alor is of Titanic origin and should be removed now that G’huun is gone. The disc is also evidence that the Trolls have stolen their architecture from the Titans and probably live on a Titan facility.

And that’s why this discussion is pointless, it would only end in pointless suffering…

every race have stolen something from another…the elves from the trolls, the orcs from the humans, the dwarfs from the tauren and the tauren from the night elves…every single…one…

No one is more rightfully in doing so then others…


Uldir is the titan facility. And it is currently ruled by M.O.T.H.E.R. stop talking nonsense.

Dazar’alor litteraly hold a titanseal inside its biggest pyramid…

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Erevien voice

The wheel in the pyramid was put there by the titans to contain G’huun in Uldir. Your pyramid is stolen from the Titans! Cope with it. The evil Zandalari colonizers have to go! :dracthyr_hehe:

Did they put her in charge right away after the Sundering? I thought Malfurion was officially the new leader until he went to sleep.

Anyway, even if that’s so, you can apply what I said to the time right before the Sundering. If a group of Amani were seen on Night Elf land immediately before the Sundering, and especially if they showed signs of wanting to settle there, I have no trouble believing the Night Elves would have attacked them. At best, they would have sent someone to ask what they were doing, and when the Amani answered “We’re settling, and we’re not going to leave”—then the Night Elves would have considered themselves justified in removing the Amani by force.

That was the Shatterspear, who were a splinter group of the Gurubashi—not the Amani. The Shatterspear also made a treaty with the Night Elves.