The Amani are NOT the good guys

The way I see it described.
The trolls started a fight - and the elves ended the fight.

Don’t cry when you start a fight and lose.

Same thing happened in Quel’thalas.

The elves, not knowing the presence of the amani, wandering into their territory after having escaped cold mountains - that they also barely survived mind you. The trolls attacked the elves, and the elves defended themselves as they walked through the forest searching for new land.

They found what appeared to be empty, unclaimed land, and unbothered by attacks at this point they believed it safe to settle. And then they were attacked again, and the elves eventually won.

Do not cry when you start a fight and lose.

That’s the most simple way I’ve seen it described.

The trolls picked a fight, they lost.

And history has repeated itself several times by now too, through almost every expansion.

Elves and hunans are genociders. For that they deserve to die. Trolls shall rule the entire world once more.

Genocide apologism per excellence. Go back to Ulduar where you belong filthy Gnome.

Uhh, no, not against the Amani Empire they’re not.

You’re welcome to your own headcanon, but as far as official lore is concerned, not only has there been no recorded genocides against the Amani Empire, but the Amani Empire struck at the Humans and Elves first making the war one of self-defence.

Darkspear are uncultured savages. Literally a backwater tribe. If you real civilization you need to look at the Gurubashi.

Typical human bias. I expect nothing less from alliance fanatics.

I didn’t mention the Darkspear. I mentioned the Amani.

The Gurubashi also have no recoded genocides against them by the humans or elves. Their empire was destroyed by a civil war.

I’m not playing games with you Erevein. Officially these are the facts. You can choose not to like them, but they’re facts none the less.

If you’re anti Darkspear and pro Amani, you’re anti Horde. Since the Darkspear are loyal to the Horde and the Amani spit both on them and all other Horde races.

The Darkspear betrayed their own race and sacked the two greatest troll cities in the world. I have no respect for them.

Damn Trolls, they ruined the Troll Empire!

This is how the world should look like. And I will do anything in my power to make it happen.

I know, Ere, I know.

ITT: a bunch of goofballs trying to make their troll head canon real.

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I don’t understand people interpret the lore differently

You do you boo.


People interpret things differently all the time. Real world experiences and other factors color an individual’s world differently from others.

Its why some people believe the earth is flat or the United States Government is run by lizard people.

And also why you have people like Everein and others in this thread who want to make their weird head canons real.

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i mean, to reffer a former argument, all trolls, all elves, all humans originated from kalimdor itself…so whats even the point to try to argue from “The trolls came from EK”, no, thats not the peoint, they were themselve nothing more then conquerer, 16000 years ago.

The rise of the Lich King was thanks to Kel Thuzad, he was an human mage.

Elves taught magic to humans.

And the Highborne that were once loyal to Azshara, then proceeded to invade Amani lands, AFTER the genocide caused by the Sundering.

Elves are what its wrong with Azeroth.

But there one thing that is worse, Goblins, ew.

The Sundering was caused by the Nightelves’ attemp to fight Azshara and her minions. That includes rebelling Highborne like Dath’Remar, who joined the Kaldorei resistance and fought demons. Say about Elves what they want, but they rebelled against Azashara, and the High Elves tried to make sure that the Burning Legion would never be lured into the world again by using a magic shield. If you accuse the Elves, thank them as well. And, again, both Night Elves and High Elves were perfectly capable of just living in peace for thousands of years.