The Amani are NOT the good guys

If i’m being honest i fail to see the relevancy of Zekhan being brought up to begin with when he and Exploring Kalimdor were not the topic of the forum post. One individual = / = the entire race as a whole. Yes, it was bad writing considering that Zekhan is a -shaman- and out of everyone, a shaman should know what deterioration was.


The amani neither, they came from zandalar

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Erosion, Dreadmoore. It was erosion.

I mean, Before the Storm makes it quite clear the Stormwind humans can’t read and write.

Which makes it even more ridiculous since Zekhan is an island dweller LMAO


Noooooo. You see their native and the High Elves were whi…I mean colonizers. That means the Amani were justified in doing whatever they want to them. Don’t you get it? Please ignore the fact that the Amani were as “native” as the humans they were attacking and that the High elves were refugees by every accepted definition of refugee…Oh, but I guess they weren’t because…they had whi…I mean, privilege.

This was sarcasm in case it wasn’t clear.

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TBC as well. There’s a quest in Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest where players can help an Orc called Grek who can’t read.

Umm, but the passage made it more seem like he knew about the process, just not the fancy pancy scientific word for it?

I’d also point out at this point Blizzard probably considers the humans/high elves as not necessarily white/just suppose to represent humanity in general. Hence why we have black and asian looking humans/elves now. That if they could go back they would retcon it so we have more POC in the Alliance/the elves. Heck, in the movie WoW version, Llane wife was black, thus making Varian a mix raced character after the fact.

And they don’t consider Amani as a set upon native population either. The amani were brutal, murderous, warmongers. Everything in lore supports this characterization of them. The lore even goes out of their way to make it clear that they abuse their mounts. But a few of their buildings appearing vaguely aztec-like is enough for attention hoes to pretend that they’re the victims of colonization.

Even though nothing about the troll wars fit the definition of colonization at all, from any angle.

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Yep, although it’s very mixed and nothing is really defined as a whole.

We don’t know which cultures among the Horde value education highly or at all. Same for the Alliance. We can only make assumptions based on the small pieces of lore that we have.

What we do know is that not everyone is taught how to read and write. Zekhan clearly wasn’t taught to read and write. That’s honestly fine. That doesn’t cast any shade on the Darkspear tribe as a whole, it just shows that one Troll, who was a relative nobody until the events of BFA, didn’t know how to read and write.


Idk about Elves, I mean I see them as a traditional fantasy-driven take on Celtic paganism ; however Human nations are all of obvious European inspiration and all follow a religion that’s basically Warcraft Christianity


Wait, the Amani abused their mounts? That’s surprising.

This might blow your mind. But alot of Christians are non-white. And, you might want to sit down for this, but Christianity itself originated from people most would consider non-white.

Ethiopia was Christian before most of Europe was.

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Yes yes, european inspiration because like it or not WoW was a Warhammer/LoTR rip off and the aesthetic of it was medieval. Having said that, I think Blizzard just wants the humans to represent well, humanity as a whole. Meaning you can be asian/black/whatever but still imagine yourself being a citizen of Stormwind.

On that note, as I have mentioned before Stormwind has a “blandness” to it precisely because I think Blizzard wants anyone to feel like they themselves from any number of places in the world could be considered a citizen of it.

Amani Dragonhawk description says they are forever grateful and loyal to those who free them from Amani “enslavement”

Doesn’t exactly paint a pretty picture, does it.

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I think she meant the europeanized form of Christianity common in, uh, Europe.

The contrast between Stormwind and Orgrimmar couldn’t be greater! Even after more than 10 years, Orgrimmar is still themed after ONE person (Garrosh), with the “Garrosh: The rise of Evil” theme playing in the background. Stormwind, however, is just “Good Guy HQ”, but in castle form for a reason everybody forgot about.

Yeah I mean I think it’s harder to do when your culture and your country ARE represented in the game, just not by Humans, rather by Centaur, Tol’vir, Tuskar, Pandaren…

And real world Christianity not being a white-exclusive religion is a sure thing, as sure as the fact that the Light is Warcraft’s take on European Christianity (the architecture, the titles within the Church etc)


It does not, will keep this in mind for future reference. Thank you for the information.

There is nothing wrong with my comments.

Thanks, haven’t read the thing in a hwhile.

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